I have what I think is about a 30 year old Uniden PC76xl this year now.
Theres 36 Lives saved with that damn thing since the early 90's I won it at cards in Louisiana off I20 at the Casino there. Went across the street and sunk the 200 or whatever dollars into it at the CB Shop there. Its not worth 20 today but will absolutely work properly when fed with power even today. I think it was the old Calhoun Truckstop there then.
I sit holding that thing and go over each of those 36 lives. Sometimes I wonder how they made out in life all these years. But not too much. It was enough to have that radio when they were in danger of being killed in just enough time to make several decisions and input them into the 18 wheeler. Sometimes that radio has carried news clear across the USA faster than any internet could ever. 9-11 was such a day.
It also has some stories. I remember a Lady Trucker by the handle SexMachine on the Newburgh up in Connecticut. She was driven by drugs and the need to I suppose improve her finances with some of the drivers every few miles. What a night. She was busy. I would pass her and 10 miles later she will zoom by crying on that radio openly for anyone with the balls enough to meet up. Among other things. It was also during a ice storm so it was a difficult fight to get out of the Foothills into open country to the west.
Oh yes that radio has done good things and also shown some of the bad along the way. I aint parting with it for anything.