FedEx Freight | BMM Fatality


TB Veteran
Just want to express my deepest sympathy to the family of the BMM driver that was fataly injured in an accident this morning.

My heart is heavy right now with grief and shock.. I had the pleasure of knowing Wally for almost two years.. I have never met anyone that came to work everyday with a smile on his face and willing to do anything to help anyone.

I am not sure if a bulletin has even came out on this yet, but I had to let something out, and this is the place for us all to let emotions go.

I am sure that Wally is in a better place right now looking down. He was a great man, and to any of you BMM drivers out there.. Most of you know who I am.... Please feel free to reach out if you need anything in this time of loss.. My heart is with you all and the family!

God Bless!
their is a picture of the accident right after it happened on the internet. please be warned it is very graphic and wally is still in the truck.

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type in fedex crash and it is on page 2..
again it is very graphic

we were just picking at him just before he left rch because he was getting soaked from the rain and were trying to get him to hook our sets up as brother we will miss you deeply..:sadwavey:
This tragedy really makes you realize how precious life is and appreciate the time you have with loved ones. I make it a point to ensure my family knows how I feel about them, every chance I get! My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
R.I.P. This tragedy really gorunds me out, it proves we all have to be careful out there .
Reminds me of the Hillsborough TX wreck, I still can't get that image out of my head..Rest in peace Wally, God wanted you more than earth needed you, thats a good thing for Wally, sure is hard on everyone else though...I will put the family and friends on my prayer list.
Deepest sympathy to Wally's family, friends and co-workers.

When something like this happens it is just a way to put all of us drivers in check and to let us know that we are not invincible. Whenever I see something like this it wakes me up just a little bit more of how dangerous it really is on our highways today. I didn't know Wally but I'm sure if I did I would have cared for him as much as his co-workers do. To his family, friends and co-workers... May you honor his memories and learn from this incident to make yourself a better driver.
from what i have been told and judging by the picture it looks acurate, wally was behind another truck and that truck moved over to the left lane to avoid the truck that was in the right lane that was either merging into the lane from the side or stopped completely in that lane and wally did not have time to react and rear ended the trailer. this was from a bmm driver that this info come from.
this had nothing to do with being sleepy or tired, it was just wrong place at the wrong time. wally was a hell of a guy and did not deserve this but you can bet he will still be riding with each and everyone of us at night wether you new him or not.. rip brother
my thoughts go out to wallys family, i feel for them, that could have very well have been my dad out there that morning with a VIA to BMM. Its scary to see things like this happen and it makes it even worse when its someone most of knew...

I got to work with wally for a short time and will never forgot always hearing his name over the speakers to go to dispatch 3 or 4 times a night....most nights he would still be on the dock in a trailer with those ear muffs on which is why he never heard his name and if you would say something about it to him he would just smile and say "really they called me, guess its time to hit the hwy"

if anyone knows were we might be able to send cards or flowers to his family please let me know. I am sure they could use our help and support right know :console:

RIP wally :sadwavey:
May The Good Lord welcome You Home!!!!!

My thoughy's and prayer's go out to the family and and all the driver's friend's.:sadwavey:

R.I.P. Wally.
fl try and contact ccm at bmm center and let him know we are all thinking of the men and women at bmm

i will see what i can do, i know fedex is stirct about information on things like this. (which i can understand to protect themsleves and the family of the driver) so its hit or mis guys.
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