XPO | Do you trust Con Way?


TB Lurker
Been here just short of three years and all ive heard from senior guys is they hate this place. They feel they were promised the moon so they would stay and help build an empire, now they feel betrayed with retirement gone, 401k match gone, vacation gone, good heath insurance gone, bonus checks gone, etc... Do i have a future in this place? I am a flex guy that gave up a good job to be at home with my family everyday and now i wonder. So much negative talk that only gets louder, cameras in trucks, cameras on the inbound and outbound assigned forklifts, more common carriers, unqualified and uncaring management, etc... Many senoir guys say it use to be all about the customer first, driver second, and the bottom line fell in place but now its all about the bottom line first, is this how it truly is?
Been here just short of three years and all ive heard from senior guys is they hate this place. They feel they were promised the moon so they would stay and help build an empire, now they feel betrayed with retirement gone, 401k match gone, vacation gone, good heath insurance gone, bonus checks gone, etc... Do i have a future in this place? I am a flex guy that gave up a good job to be at home with my family everyday and now i wonder. So much negative talk that only gets louder, cameras in trucks, cameras on the inbound and outbound assigned forklifts, more common carriers, unqualified and uncaring management, etc... Many senoir guys say it use to be all about the customer first, driver second, and the bottom line fell in place but now its all about the bottom line first, is this how it truly is?
401 match is gone. Those guys still get there retirement..if they qualified. We've always gotten vacation. We get bonus checks. And yes, you can trust that this company will be here for a long time. They change with the times to keep a job for you and me.Haha. sounds like you been talking to disgruntled people or your just having fun making up all that stuff
Hey Peckerwood,
Until you guys organize and hold the company's feet to the fire you will never be treated fairly and things will not get any better.
I think he means lost vacation time.

I hear nothing but negative myself. All day. Every day. It does beat you down.

I have done extremely well with my short time here. But when you come from nothing, you have nothing to loose. If I had what they had. I may be bitter as well.

No regrets for me. None. I would do it again and again. One of the best decisions in my life.

That said. I do keep an eye out for what is next in life. It seems this may not be it. Not that I think the company will go away. But that the day will come when I am asked to leave.
Hey Peckerwood,
Until you guys organize and hold the company's feet to the fire you will never be treated fairly and things will not get any better.

This company will never organize. It's easier to walk away than it is to fight. And the turn over here is amazing.
How's that working for the guys at YRC?
Did some manager pay you to say that ? We already heard that about 120 times so far ... and if you haven't noticed yrc is still around and they still have a contract .. Question is what do you have ?
Did some manager pay you to say that ? We already heard that about 120 times so far ... and if you haven't noticed yrc is still around and they still have a contract .. Question is what do you have ?

If you have already heard it 120 times there just might be some truth to it. Yes they have a contract- is it worth the paper it was written on? Your call, but to me the anwser is no and I came from Roadway. Work here work there it doesn't matter to me but realize the union is not the savior of the working man. Everyone who works here came asking for a job and at the very least agreed to work here. Is Conway what it used to be? No, but no company that is currently in business and profitable is the same as it was. Change is inevitable.
Been here just short of three years and all ive heard from senior guys is they hate this place. They feel they were promised the moon so they would stay and help build an empire, now they feel betrayed with retirement gone, 401k match gone, vacation gone, good heath insurance gone, bonus checks gone, etc... Do i have a future in this place? I am a flex guy that gave up a good job to be at home with my family everyday and now i wonder. So much negative talk that only gets louder, cameras in trucks, cameras on the inbound and outbound assigned forklifts, more common carriers, unqualified and uncaring management, etc... Many senoir guys say it use to be all about the customer first, driver second, and the bottom line fell in place but now its all about the bottom line first, is this how it truly is?

define "good job". What is the value of being home every day and weekends?

what cameras?

so you can quote the senior guys... sounds like it is supposed to be driver first and everything else last at your place. You came to the wrong site if you are looking for facts. Remember this process is absolute opinion

so you've been here about three years. You have secured wages and benefits in that time that took over 5 years for me back in the day
Oh .. Right , you must have been so far down on the seniority list after the merger that you got your self layed off in the process , and now the red ass has set in ..! So all hail Conway ... The super carrier and savior to the trucking industry . And you are right about one thing we all came looking for a job here , and change is inevitable over time .. But the only change we see is the change in new faces every day ... So hang in there for a couple years and you to sir will wish you had your contract back !
Well if you were within 10 or so years of retirement... into your 50's-60's and had given over 20-30 years to a company, told that you would have insurance, $6000 (appox) to retire on monthly, you were the backbone and the upper management listened to you, treated you like you meant something to the company, then *POOF* all gone.....

Yeah, you'd be negative too. Back hurt, too old to start over, put your faith into your company to make sure you had a good retirement. Yeah buddy you were a good one to have around and now you have a target on your back, now told to shut up and do your job. Or fired over stupid stuff. Or not.

But hey! At least you have a job, food on the table and clothes on your back. There's that silver lining. Better pare down and start saving as if you have no savings at all because basically you don't have much any more. What with the falling stock market, cut in matching stock and 401K... you don't have much left.

Depends on how you want to look at it.

But realize one thing: how they treat the seniors is how they will treat you in the future. Think about it.

Last thing.... other companies have it hard too, I talk to drivers of other companies and it's not just Conway, some are worse and some are better.
define "good job". What is the value of being home every day and weekends?

what cameras?

so you can quote the senior guys... sounds like it is supposed to be driver first and everything else last at your place. You came to the wrong site if you are looking for facts. Remember this process is absolute opinion

so you've been here about three years. You have secured wages and benefits in that time that took over 5 years for me back in the day

Interesting analogy.

Is this your opinion or something garnered from the company handbook?

People come here for any number of reasons...and many times it is to vent frustrations due to circumstances beyond their control. There are hundreds of employees left wondering whether they will ever be able to retire...or provide for their families. Con-Way has proven itself under the leadership(?) of Doug S. to be completely uninterested in the future of its employees...all in the name of PROFIT and executive bonuses. Don't think so?...read the SEC filings.

These people come from all walks of life...each unique in their own environ. Opinions and viewpoints will vary...they may not be 'factual' postings to satisfy some predetermined level of legitimacy...but nonetheless they are the things on people's minds.

Some facts...some opinions...that is how every forum works.

Adding insult to injury...there are those who were promised certain things when they were hired in the early days of the company...only to be jilted when the company believed they had reached a certain level of success.

And that is a FACT!!!

If you have such a disdain for the posters here, why do you bother?

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Do I trust them? No farther than I can throw a piano. All this bs about culture and "our employees are all on board with our strategy" is a load of crap to get just that much more work out of you for the same amount of money. Ask for more and more every day, give nothing in return. Pay employees differently, provide nothing in retirement to newer employees, but we're making money hand over fist! So we should be thankful to come to work here, because if we look at it that way, those in authority are not held to accountability for the things that should be changed. And since they treat us with such "integrity" they could never be wrong...
define "good job". What is the value of being home every day and weekends?

what cameras?

so you can quote the senior guys... sounds like it is supposed to be driver first and everythinig else last at your place. You came to the wrong site if you are looking for facts. Remember this process is absolute opinion

so you've been here about three years. You have secured wages and benefits in that time that took over 5 years for me back in the day
rat has all the facts, and he works for the greatest LTL company in the world.
Interesting analogy.

Con-Way has proven itself under the leadership(?) of Doug S. to be completely uninterested in the future of its employees...all in the name of PROFIT and executive bonuses. Don't think so?...read the SEC filings.
You know as well as I do that changed as soon as miller came into power. This whole company changed for the worse. The bad thing is that it keeps getting worse and it is NEVER going to get better.
You know as well as I do that changed as soon as miller came into power. This whole company changed for the worse. The bad thing is that it keeps getting worse and it is NEVER going to get better.

Well this is all True and Falls right in line with the New American Way **** the Little Guy All you can and run Look at Bernie Made-off him and a whole lot of others Made Off with a bunch of Folks money only Difference between him and some others we know is they Doing it legally !!!!
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