Estes | Estes Pd Gig


TB Lurker
I applied lastweek for PD Position in Tulsa,OK terminal which is just 11 miles away from my house and I had a phone interview with HQ yesterday but it got cut off due to bad signal in the middle of our conversation while she was asking me basic information..

Later then I received an email asking for my full 10yrs work history as I had gap when I filled up my application online.

This was the second attemp that HQ tried to get a hold of me. First was I missed the phone call, second was direct phone interview but interrupted. This is a good sign? Btw, they contacted me 12hrs later after I sent an online application.

I currently have 4yrs exp OTR, zero point in my MVR. No gap in employment except for vacation overseas due to life even ( got married ) and had 3 employers for for the last 4yrs of my CMV career.

So the question is. What is my chance for this position? and how long does it takes for them to officially offer you a job?

My OTR gig is fine but I'm looking on getting home everyday as a family man.

and ESTES PD is a good fit. Have complete endorsement but no experience pulling doubles yet, however my goal is to get into Line Haul when I get a chance, I will volunteer for training in the future if thats my way of getting my foot in line haul gig.
Dude, you're 11 miles away. It would probably look good on you, even if they don't accept in person application, to show up at their door and try to apply
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