Oldman, seeing GFY could not reply, I will. As said many times before that we need unity, and part of that is talking to each other. The person that told this about the fom in xlu, has never lied to other`s when talking about work, or what was going on at any certain time in our work lives. One thing that you had to look at, is it is a fact. That is easy to check out. Just like it is easy to check out how many times xgo checks this board and other`s. As it has been said before on this board, we can tell which office and which computer that the company is useing to do there checking on us. Most of the things on this board is just talk, but when things are put on here that are facts, most of the people get numb and can not believe that what is posted is true. Believe me when I say that you can check this out for yourself, you can just call and ask the xlu terminal, or if you need proof in black and white, you can request in writting from IT to pull up the records from the xlu terminal. Just remind yourself that everything that you put on a computer is recorded and you can always retrieve it if you really need it. Sorry for the long reply, but I hope that will answer the question asked. Now let`s play nice, this is nothing personal, just business. Say, what kind of donuts do you like?