FedEx Freight | Interior Lights On New Kw


TB Lurker
I have a R23850 KW trk, when I got it the interior lights didn't work, except the one round one above my head you push to make come on. Blown fuse was the problem, worked for about a week and now nothing again except the round one overhead. They should work when I open the door or turn the toggle switch on, neither does. No blown fuses this time, shop guys said they couldn't find anything.
Has any other drivers had this problem with the new KW, if so what was the problem?
I have a R23850 KW trk, when I got it the interior lights didn't work, except the one round one above my head you push to make come on. Blown fuse was the problem, worked for about a week and now nothing again except the round one overhead. They should work when I open the door or turn the toggle switch on, neither does. No blown fuses this time, shop guys said they couldn't find anything.
Has any other drivers had this problem with the new KW, if so what was the problem?
Our new Petes have an option on the dash menu called "dark cabin" it keeps the interior lights off when door opens. We only have a few KW's but they seem to be very similar to the Petes on the dash setup menus, I assume Paccar is using common software. Maybe someone actually turned on dark cabin option on menu if they were scrolling through. On ours if the Low Voltage Disconnect comes on or batteries are disconnected for service , etc., it defaults the dash setup. Maybe start there.
Our new Petes have an option on the dash menu called "dark cabin" it keeps the interior lights off when door opens. We only have a few KW's but they seem to be very similar to the Petes on the dash setup menus, I assume Paccar is using common software. Maybe someone actually turned on dark cabin option on menu if they were scrolling through. On ours if the Low Voltage Disconnect comes on or batteries are disconnected for service , etc., it defaults the dash setup. Maybe start there.
Yeah I've done tried that also, no luck. Guess I'll just buy me a stickup and put in here.
Deadline it and get it to the dealership. FedEx paid good money for that tractor, it better work as it was intended to.
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