Estes | layoffs

Haven't heard of any but commonsence tells me they will do some thinning out one day soon.
Here at 024 we just put a bunch of new guys on the dock, some PT, some FT and I'm pretty sure we hired a few P&D and Linehaul guys not too long ago. Guess we'll see about "work reductions" when they happen. Lots of changes have been happening here at 024, and for the most part actually seem to be working. Freight remains relatively steady, even heavy at times.
I think Mildew is right, too many people sitting around and or not getting out till wed or thurs. It will only get worse as winter comes.
well being a new estes employee i sure hope the des moines terminal is safe. it sure would suck to start a new job and lose it.
If we got rid of all the Contract carriers we might have enough work to do.
I wish they would do a voluteer layoff, I will take it, really sick of sitting around waiting on freight.
Spent another 24 stint at a terminal this week.
If we got rid of all the Contract carriers we might have enough work to do.
I wish they would do a voluteer layoff, I will take it, really sick of sitting around waiting on freight.
Spent another 24 stint at a terminal this week.

Why don't you just bring up the organizing word and they will find a reason to let you go. :poster_oops: sorry BB
What the boys in Richmond need to do,is to have the balls to come out and tell the people that bust their *** everyday, what the long term game plan will involve.And I don't mean the Estestonin view of the wonderful world of ESTES,that's dogma for masses.Just once I would like to see a company do the right thing and inform their employees of how their business model is going to look in a couple years.I know Estes doesn't owe me a damn thing,but I have broken bones,beat my body up to many times to count and done my job with relatively little watching.Like the majority of ESTES employees I know I deserve the respect to tell me if I should start thinking about going in another direction.We all use this site as a sounding board of sorts,instead why dont we wright Rob letters and ask just what were doing and why,no rants or raves about how ****ed up some things are just a little substance of whats goin on,it might make those 24 hour layovers a little easier to take if you knew why.
What the boys in Richmond need to do,is to have the balls to come out and tell the people that bust their *** everyday, what the long term game plan will involve.And I don't mean the Estestonin view of the wonderful world of ESTES,that's dogma for masses.Just once I would like to see a company do the right thing and inform their employees of how their business model is going to look in a couple years.I know Estes doesn't owe me a damn thing,but I have broken bones,beat my body up to many times to count and done my job with relatively little watching.Like the majority of ESTES employees I know I deserve the respect to tell me if I should start thinking about going in another direction.We all use this site as a sounding board of sorts,instead why dont we wright Rob letters and ask just what were doing and why,no rants or raves about how ****ed up some things are just a little substance of whats goin on,it might make those 24 hour layovers a little easier to take if you knew why.

Was delivering to another trucking company last week, a privately owned well respected regional carrier, and they had posted right there on the wall last quarter operating ratio's for each terminal. The terminals operating at a loss were twice than were making a profit, but I thought it was good that the company was open with the employees. The best was an 86.1 and the worst 126. It lets the drivers know where they stand in relation to other terminals.
personally,i dont want anyone to lose their job but i have 7yrs here & i have been sitting @ home for 2 weeks. layoffs cant come soon enough @ my terminal,sorry but isnt that what seniority is for,upper guys work & lower guys sit?
personally,i dont want anyone to lose their job but i have 7yrs here & i have been sitting @ home for 2 weeks. layoffs cant come soon enough @ my terminal,sorry but isnt that what seniority is for,upper guys work & lower guys sit?

Careful what you wish for. 7 years isn't very long at this company. Quite a few have been laid off with 10+ years ask the boys in 001 or 039 and several others.
Careful what you wish for. 7 years isn't very long at this company. Quite a few have been laid off with 10+ years ask the boys in 001 or 039 and several others.

my terminal has only been open 11 yrs not 50yrs+ & at least if i get axed then i'll know what to do,its this wait&see attitude that i am sick of
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