What the boys in Richmond need to do,is to have the balls to come out and tell the people that bust their *** everyday, what the long term game plan will involve.And I don't mean the Estestonin view of the wonderful world of ESTES,that's dogma for masses.Just once I would like to see a company do the right thing and inform their employees of how their business model is going to look in a couple years.I know Estes doesn't owe me a damn thing,but I have broken bones,beat my body up to many times to count and done my job with relatively little watching.Like the majority of ESTES employees I know I deserve the respect to tell me if I should start thinking about going in another direction.We all use this site as a sounding board of sorts,instead why dont we wright Rob letters and ask just what were doing and why,no rants or raves about how ****ed up some things are just a little substance of whats goin on,it might make those 24 hour layovers a little easier to take if you knew why.