Estes | Leaving ExtraBoard


TB Veteran
Got the phonecall today. I've been awarded a 1/2 way Indy out of Memphis.

2 days ago, they moved me from a Monday start to a Sunday start. I told the LH manager "great, go ahead and scratch my name off that run I bid on." He forgot. Too late now, he says. Oh well. It might be nice to be home every day.
Nice run. Unless you gotta go all the way thru to Indy. I'm only giving that terminal 1 star out of a possible 5. And that's only because of the fine layover facilities. You're gonna miss my beloved extraboard.
Indy isn't all that bad. The hotel is better than most.

I will miss ExtraBoard. I was really looking forward to being a Sunday start.
I don't see why they wouldn't switch you back to the Sunday start and let the poor soul that needs to see mommy everyday have the bid run.
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I don't see why they wouldn't switch you back to the Sunday start and let the poor soul that needs to see mommy everyday have the bid run.
Really. I'm sure there were plenty of other names on the original bid sheet that would love the run. The Sunday nite start would be sweet. All X drivers at my yard are Mon nite start but I'm getting a lot of calls lately on Sundays or whenever the 34 restart is up to get on in. Where you meeting at Marion or Mt. Vernon?
I dunno dude. I said the same thing but the LH guy said it was out of his control.

I got a new truck though. 2,200 miles on this one.
Marion. It's an early Tuesday morning run. It leaves out at 0001. I'm fine with that. I'd rather leave around midnight than 9 o'clock. Less traffic.

But yeah. Sunday thru Thursday would've been the ****.
Oh yea. Day runs make a person earn their money. Expecially on the right side of the country
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