ABF | Modern Day Politics


Retirement....The Job I Was Born To Have!
Didn't know you could force someone to resign? He asked him to resign to get the controversy over imo. We will have to agree to disagree.

I believe the asked for resignation is a face- saving maneuver. General Flynn lied to V.P. Pence about the calls, V.P. Pence defended him publicly,............And then after the resignation, V.P. Pence had to read about it in the Washington Post,.... because no one ,....... for whatever reason, .... or lack of reason..... had bothered to let him know General Flynn had resigned.

Very lackadaisical/unprofessional/disrespectful.

I listened to the NPR report about the seriousness of the charges, and their conclusion that the calls themselves did not warrant a violation of law. General Flynn's lying about the calls initially is what brought about the lack of confidence.

By the way, the Logan Act was only used once before ......during the Nixon administration, when certain of his Yorba Linda friends attempted to "pave the way" with the Chinese Communists prior to Nixon's China visit. He didn't really trust Kissinger because of Kissinger's hatred of the Chinese ..,....... so he attempted an "end-,run" around his diplomatic corps.

Boy, I really hate to see parrellels between the Trump administration and the Nixon regime. .........
I believe the asked for resignation is a face- saving maneuver. General Flynn lied to V.P. Pence about the calls, V.P. Pence defended him publicly,............And then after the resignation, V.P. Pence had to read about it in the Washington Post,.... because no one ,....... for whatever reason, .... or lack of reason..... had bothered to let him know General Flynn had resigned.

Very lackadaisical/unprofessional/disrespectful.

I listened to the NPR report about the seriousness of the charges, and their conclusion that the calls themselves did not warrant a violation of law. General Flynn's lying about the calls initially is what brought about the lack of confidence.

By the way, the Logan Act was only used once before ......during the Nixon administration, when certain of his Yorba Linda friends attempted to "pave the way" with the Chinese Communists prior to Nixon's China visit. He didn't really trust Kissinger because of Kissinger's hatred of the Chinese ..,....... so he attempted an "end-,run" around his diplomatic corps.

Boy, I really hate to see parrellels between the Trump administration and the Nixon regime. .........
That's just what the fixed media is pushing for. Made up news to try to impeach Trump.
Bill Oreilly explains it here perfectly in 5 minute clip. No amount of fake news (CNN MSN MSNBC) will make me believe otherwise.
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I voted for Trump because of what he said he was going to try to do. I understand he might only get 50% done of what he promised. He will fail on some, excel on others. What worries me is he has no one of any long term experience or background helping to set policy & implement it. He is putting people in critical jobs that have no experience on how to traverse the Federal Government bureaucracy & politics of Washington, DC. For his agenda to be a success, he must put experienced people in places where experience will get a government that functions @ a level far greater than his predecessor. Until he does that, the entrenched federal workers will fight him tooth & nail to not to change the status quo. Leaving a failed White House Policy across the nation. To be a 2 term president & Make America Great Again, he needs to learn to deal with the press, & hire people with the know how to run the Federal Government. Using the my way policy instead the best way policy, will make him a 1 term president. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Von.
I agree for the most part, but "trust" is a big factor in who he picks for these jobs. The very fact that he has no former experience at being a politician is both what got him elected and also what is being used by his political enemies (both Republican and Democrat) to try to destroy his credibility and his presidency. These political enemies, some of which have done nothing but practice political divisiveness and "back room dealing" are "all talk and no action" and are also very effective at destroying reputations of those they consider a threat to their own lifetime political job. (This is another reason there should be term limits). In today's Washington "political swamp" it is very hard to determine who is friend and who is foe - and who can be trusted and who cannot. Mike Flynn was someone who President Trump knew he could trust. Other longtime insiders in government, the NSA and in the CIA knew Flynn knew too much about those that couldn't be trusted. Flynn was head of the military version of the CIA, so he just knew too much about too many. He was viewd as a threat, not to the nation, but to these people that had someting to hide. He was set up by those people with the full cooperation of the liberal news media and insiders that are still loyal pawns of the Obama "shadow government" that are trying to destroy the Trump administration before they even get off the ground. This has deteriorated into "third world politics" happening in "banana republics" that former administrations liked to criticize. Now it is happening here, by a political party that no longer believes in "a peaceful transition of power" (only since they lost). Before they lost, they were telling voters the "peaceful transition of power" was one of the things that made America a model for the rest of the world to follow. Now these same hypocrites are doing everything they can to take our newly elected President down because the people voted for a change and they cannot accept defeat. They are blaming everyone other than their own flawed attempt at running the government for the last 8 years. Trump is facing a dilemma of trying to find people that are patriots concerned more about the country than themselves that he can trust in the swamp full of sleaze known as Washington, DC.
Most politicians by nature are liars, backstabbers or turncoats presenting themselves one way to the voters and other members of Congress, but are quite different behind closed doors, plotting how to destroy those who disagree with them personally with no regard for what may best for the country. That is what is happening in Washington now. It is very close to a coup that is being planned in Washington. I never thought I'd see the day that would happen in this country, but that's how low a level the Democrats have stooped to. The level of desperation and outright hate brought on by both Democrat politicians, their paid for professional demonstrators and far left supporters are an embarrassment to the majority of good, law abiding American citizens.
Trust, loyalty, duty to country and patriotism as well as putting the well-being of the country ahead of personal gain and one's political career seems to be a thing of the past in most of both parties now. Who can be trusted? That is one reason Trump is reaching out to so many military and political outsiders to fill cabinet posts. Look at he list of unsavory career politicians in Washington that are complaining about the "outsiders" being chosen instead of them for high cabinet posts. I wonder why? Lindsay Graham, John McCain are among them. They are both what is called a RINO and both act as though they know so much about all the issues facing this country. If that is true why were they "kicked to the curb" in their attempts to be POTUS?
Sorry about the long post, but there is so much to be said about the Washington antics these days. Some good, mostly bad. I hate to see what is happening in Washington distorted and displayed to the world by the liberal news media, BUT...I feel the more the Democrats scream, cry, complain and resort to dirty tactics, the more I feel Trump is doing the right things. The "swamp" is being drained. The creatures that happily lived there for so long don't like it. Some are biting back. You see their grim, unsmiling faces on TV every night complaining about the corruption in Washington that they were so comfortable with for so long before Donald Trump came along and started exposing the corrupt individuals living in that "swamp". Those individuals (mostly Democrats) are now worried only about their political survival and losing their political power over average Americans. So, Keep it up, Mr Trump.
Nobody said it was going to be easy, but nobody expected or wanted it to become THIS DIRTY.
The Democrats are showing their true colors.
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I voted for Trump because of what he said he was going to try to do. I understand he might only get 50% done of what he promised. He will fail on some, excel on others. What worries me is he has no one of any long term experience or background helping to set policy & implement it. He is putting people in critical jobs that have no experience on how to traverse the Federal Government bureaucracy & politics of Washington, DC. For his agenda to be a success, he must put experienced people in places where experience will get a government that functions @ a level far greater than his predecessor. Until he does that, the entrenched federal workers will fight him tooth & nail to not to change the status quo. Leaving a failed White House Policy across the nation. To be a 2 term president & Make America Great Again, he needs to learn to deal with the press, & hire people with the know how to run the Federal Government. Using the my way policy instead the best way policy, will make him a 1 term president. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Von.
No president in US history has had this much hate and attempt by members of both parties leveled at him of this magnitude. All this tells me is that an awful lot of career politicians and "insiders" appointed by them have an awful lot to hide and worry about.
Investigations are not to be feared by those that have nothing to hide. This an attempt at political "assassination" by the Democrats. The Democrats are showing where their REAL concerns are, and it is not securing the borders, jobs or the US economy - it is all about THEM. Money and political power for the Democratic Party. It is disgusting and I hope it all backfires only to wake up even more Americans as to what the real objectives of the Democratic Party are. Socialism and open borders and using paid violent demonstrators like the "Black Bloc" terrorists at the Berkeley riots. They are being paid by anarchists like George Soros to bring down America and the democracy they hate. Freedom of speech is not something they believe in.
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I agree for the most part, but "trust" is a big factor in who he picks for these jobs. The very fact that he has no former experience at being a politician is both what got him elected and also what is being used by his political enemies (both Republican and Democrat) to try to destroy his credibility and his presidency. These political enemies, some of which have done nothing but practice political divisiveness and "back room dealing" are "all talk and no action" and are also very effective at destroying reputations of those they consider a threat to their own lifetime political job. (This is another reason there should be term limits). In today's Washington "political swamp" it is very hard to determine who is friend and who is foe - and who can be trusted and who cannot. Mike Flynn was someone who President Trump knew he could trust. Other longtime insiders in government, the NSA and in the CIA knew Flynn knew too much about those that couldn't be trusted. Flynn was head of the military version of the CIA, so he just knew too much about too many. He was viewd as a threat, not to the nation, but to these people that had someting to hide. He was set up by those people with the full cooperation of the liberal news media and insiders that are still loyal pawns of the Obama "shadow government" that are trying to destroy the Trump administration before they even get off the ground. This has deteriorated into "third world politics" happening in "banana republics" that former administrations liked to criticize. Now it is happening here, by a political party that no longer believes in "a peaceful transition of power" (only since they lost). Before they lost, they were telling voters the "peaceful transition of power" was one of the things that made America a model for the rest of the world to follow. Now these same hypocrites are doing everything they can to take our newly elected President down because the people voted for a change and they cannot accept defeat. They are blaming everyone other than their own flawed attempt at running the government for the last 8 years. Trump is facing a dilemma of trying to find people that are patriots concerned more about the country than themselves that he can trust in the swamp full of sleaze known as Washington, DC.
Most politicians by nature are liars, backstabbers or turncoats presenting themselves one way to the voters and other members of Congress, but are quite different behind closed doors, plotting how to destroy those who disagree with them personally with no regard for what may best for the country. That is what is happening in Washington now. It is very close to a coup that is being planned in Washington. I never thought I'd see the day that would happen in this country, but that's how low a level the Democrats have stooped to. The level of desperation and outright hate brought on by both Democrat politicians, their paid for professional demonstrators and far left supporters are an embarrassment to the majority of good, law abiding American citizens.
Trust, loyalty, duty to country and patriotism as well as putting the well-being of the country ahead of personal gain and one's political career seems to be a thing of the past in most of both parties now. Who can be trusted? That is one reason Trump is reaching out to so many military and political outsiders to fill cabinet posts. Look at he list of unsavory career politicians in Washington that are complaining about the "outsiders" being chosen instead of them for high cabinet posts. I wonder why? Lindsay Graham, John McCain are among them. They are both what is called a RINO and both act as though they know so much about all the issues facing this country. If that is true why were they "kicked to the curb" in their attempts to be POTUS?
Sorry about the long post, but there is so much to be said about the Washington antics these days. Some good, mostly bad. I hate to see what is happening in Washington distorted and displayed to the world by the liberal news media, BUT...I feel the more the Democrats scream, cry, complain and resort to dirty tactics, the more I feel Trump is doing the right things. The "swamp" is being drained. The creatures that happily lived there for so long don't like it. Some are biting back. You see their grim, unsmiling faces on TV every night complaining about the corruption in Washington that they were so comfortable with for so long before Donald Trump came along and started exposing the corrupt individuals living in that "swamp". Those individuals (mostly Democrats) are now worried only about their political survival and losing their political power over average Americans. So, Keep it up, Mr Trump.
Nobody said it was going to be easy, but nobody expected or wanted it to become THIS DIRTY.
The Democrats are showing their true colors.

You're a man after my own heart... ( In a manly way......)

I'm susceptible to long diatribes, too. Obviously , it means you're very passionate about what you're writing.

But many of us.........Democrats........feel that Mr. Obama did a fine job pulling us out of the recession he was left with,...... and that he led the country with taste, class, and intelligence........

I know the word...."Democrat" .....means to many people that I'm in on the plot to destroy America,....... and that I'm a member of the Illuminati and the Communist party.. ....... and that I secretly torture puppies to death on the weekend , because I have no morals...

You've got to remember this election was decided by anger, outrage , conspiracy, and intrigue. There are certain people who can play on the emotions of the electorate by constantly providing a sense of outrage.......Even if they have to "manufacture" it.....

As late as July 2016, Mr.Trump was a "birther" concerning Mr. Obama's nationality. Was he playing the electorate for outraged votes?

Please remember that in this country, the ....... newspaper........ with the largest circulation of all newspapers...... is the National "Enquirer"............. a newspaper that can't even spell it's own name right! There is no such word as "Enquirer". ............ it's "Inquirer"........ as in "Philadelphia Inquirer"....

We Americans sure love our outrage and conspiracy,......... and, of course, Death to the Opposing Party.......

There have been demogogues in the past that have gotten pretty far by stirring up anger, conspiracy and outrage in a population.....

Careful with that.....
To alleviate mixing politics in with regular business please use this thread for political discussions.

Thank you.
To alleviate mixing politics in with regular business please use this thread for political discussions.

Thank you.
Hah! Sorry, Brother,...........And Brothers......

I guess we got carried away....

Nowadays , political discourse means that one of the conversants is the bull, and the other one is the toreador with the red cape.....

And we all know what that means............

Big piles of bull......

I try not to use the "loaded" adjectives, like the alternative facts group does....No matter how passionate I'll get discussing politics.....And I always give the people I'm ........"debating"...... politics with, credit for having at least as much intelligence as I do, so I presume we are both starting off, at least, at the same level.

Just because you're registered to a different Party than I am doesn't mean that I deduct 50 I.Q. points when we discuss politics......

A slight measure of respect,........ but that's only because I'm an ancient, doddering old fool with an old-fashioned set of standards.....

In 1972, the law was changed and 18 year olds were allowed to vote for the first time in the highly contentious Nixon-McGovern election.......... and I was the only one in my Air Force unit to vote for George McGovern.

Votes are supposed to be secret,...... but somehow all the Tech seargents knew how I had voted..... I suffered much grief and agony over that vote......

Welcome to politics, Kid!
I believe the asked for resignation is a face- saving maneuver. General Flynn lied to V.P. Pence about the calls, V.P. Pence defended him publicly,............And then after the resignation, V.P. Pence had to read about it in the Washington Post,.... because no one ,....... for whatever reason, .... or lack of reason..... had bothered to let him know General Flynn had resigned.

Very lackadaisical/unprofessional/disrespectful.

I listened to the NPR report about the seriousness of the charges, and their conclusion that the calls themselves did not warrant a violation of law. General Flynn's lying about the calls initially is what brought about the lack of confidence.

By the way, the Logan Act was only used once before ......during the Nixon administration, when certain of his Yorba Linda friends attempted to "pave the way" with the Chinese Communists prior to Nixon's China visit. He didn't really trust Kissinger because of Kissinger's hatred of the Chinese ..,....... so he attempted an "end-,run" around his diplomatic corps.

Boy, I really hate to see parallels between the Trump administration and the Nixon regime. .........
First of all, show me where the "crime" was that all the liberal media is so wound up about.
There was no "crime" committed by Mike Flynn, but there WAS a crime committed by whoever decided to give secret or classified government info to a news agency to make public. Where is the outrage and demand for someone's head by the liberal media on that issue?

On the Pence/Flynn issue, it was a simple case of lack of communication. Somebody was not paying attention. Maybe Pence. Maybe one of his assistants whose job it is to make sure Pence gets every message. At worst, it was an embarrassment to both Flynn and Pence created by that "lack of communication" and then blown way out of proportion by the "blood hungry" liberal media.
At any rate, it must be difficult for any in the White House staff to keep up with Trump's fast pace and long hours. Even his Chief of Staff, just this morning, admitted that his days are sometimes as long as 20 hours, just trying to keep up with Trump.
A few days ago, President Trump said when asked about his work day, said he normally gets up about 5 AM and usually doesn't go to bed until "about midnight, sometimes later"
Quite different than Obama, that rarely showed up before 9 AM. Even the required daily report (President's Daily Briefing) given by top members top intelligence and security officials each morning just prior to 8 am, were only attended by Obama, in person, less than 1/2 of the time. White House staff said that Obama preferred to stay in bed and have the report sent to his quarters so he could read it whenever he chose.
Then it was golf every afternoon or as often as possible. News reports (not fake news) reports that Obama plays his 300th round of golf on Aug 8, 2016 as President. This is as critical as the liberal media ever got about Obama.
The liberal media never once criticized Obama for playing golf just minutes after making a short comment on the beheading of James Foley nor even missing a round of golf during the floods in Louisiana.
Hard to ask questions about what is going on in the world if you don't actually ATTEND sessions, isn't it?
Federal Accounting Office has reported that Obama spent over $10 million per year on family vacations for a grand total of near $85 million (not counting his last Xmas trip in Dec 2016, that cost taxpayers an additional $4.8 million staying at the most elite lodging in all of Hawaii).
At least Trump's occasional golf trips mix business with relaxation time, on his own dime, going to his own golf resort and receiving no salary (except for the $1 per year salary he agreed to take)
Trump's unending energy level has been what made him such a success in his business ventures. Now he brings the same energy to the White House and Washington where they are used to next to nothing getting done every day. Maybe it's time for the Trump assistants to have assistants just to keep up with President Trump's long hours and unending energy level.
( and remember, he's working for FREE. He stated on "60 Minutes" on Nov 15 that he would only take $1.00 per year as salary)
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You're a man after my own heart... ( In a manly way......)

I'm susceptible to long diatribes, too. Obviously , it means you're very passionate about what you're writing.

But many of us.........Democrats........feel that Mr. Obama did a fine job pulling us out of the recession he was left with,...... and that he led the country with taste, class, and intelligence........

I know the word...."Democrat" .....means to many people that I'm in on the plot to destroy America,....... and that I'm a member of the Illuminati and the Communist party.. ....... and that I secretly torture puppies to death on the weekend , because I have no morals...

You've got to remember this election was decided by anger, outrage , conspiracy, and intrigue. There are certain people who can play on the emotions of the electorate by constantly providing a sense of outrage.......Even if they have to "manufacture" it.....

As late as July 2016, Mr.Trump was a "birther" concerning Mr. Obama's nationality. Was he playing the electorate for outraged votes?

Please remember that in this country, the ....... newspaper........ with the largest circulation of all newspapers...... is the National "Enquirer"............. a newspaper that can't even spell it's own name right! There is no such word as "Enquirer". ............ it's "Inquirer"........ as in "Philadelphia Inquirer"....

We Americans sure love our outrage and conspiracy,......... and, of course, Death to the Opposing Party.......

There have been demogogues in the past that have gotten pretty far by stirring up anger, conspiracy and outrage in a population.....

Careful with that.....
I couldn't help but respond again to your opening statement that obviously was designed to get responses.
You claim that Obama "did a fine job" getting us out of recession - By more than doubling the Nat'l Debt to $20 trillion? Cutting our military to levels not seen since the 1920's for the Navy and to pre 1940 levels for the Army? Crazy spending on some things and sacrificing our ability to defend ourselves? Not a "fine job" there.
As for his broken campaign promises - the list is way too long to put here, but some that come to mind are ;
His promise to;
Grow the incomes of middle class Americans - Close GITMO - Have the most transparent administration in US political history - Be the President of ALL THE PEOPLE, not just some of the people - work to end racial differences - balance the budget in my 1st term or I will not run for a 2nd - allow Americans to keep their med plans, doctors and lower the costs with Obamacare - bring both parties together and promote bipartisanship - "nail the door shut" and end the practice of lobbyists - not raise taxes on the middle class - build a tough, new nat'l security strategy - create and encourage better race relations - end the war in Iraq and "finish the job in Afghanistan" - expand Medicaid - cut Federal spending and cut the deficit - televise health care and any pending legislation debates on CSPAN for 5 days to allow American voters to read before Congress votes on it - renegotiate NAFTA - support and defend Israel - bolster US border security - and the list goes on and on......"Obama led the country with taste, class and intelligence" History says, "No"

As for your comment "We Americans.we sure love........ "Death to the Opposing Party", it is a fact that the only death wishes or death threats come from the Democrat supporters. Remember Madonna in the DC march, or the many posters wishing death to President Trump at the Berkely riots or at LA or at Chicago or at Phoenix or at Sacramento? and that list goes on and on, too. Where were the death threats to Hillary? I am the opposing party and I don't wish death on anyone....except our common enemies like ISIS or anyone who thinks it is acceptable to kill anyone who does not agree with their political of religious beliefs (like the followers of Islam do.) The Democrats apparently believe it is OK though. Hillary, Obama and several other leaders of the Dems have come out publicly and encouraged the violent demonstrations against Trump to continue, and have said nothing about the KILL TRUMP posters that they surely saw on TV or the burning and destruction of private property. So much for the "peaceful transition of power" in this country that Hillary was so much in favor of during the campaign (but only while she thought SHE was winning). Blatant hypocrisy.
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Do you,........ ahh,.... spend a lot of time looking at Breitbart.com?

Apparently you don't remember the death threats against Mr.Obama and family......Rush Limbaugh and his "Moo-chelle and her pickaninnies" schtick.........The cartoons of the White House surrounded by a watermelon patch........ Of course, the " birther" groups and how Mr. Obama insisted on getting sworn in on the Koran instead of the Bible..........Sen.. Mitch McConnell's remark about how they were going to do everything in Congress's power to insure Obama would be a one-term president?........ and their subsequent stonewalling of just about every piece of legislation Mr. Obama proposed?

Or....... how about this? We're both truck drivers, we both get to wander into the back door/loading dock of hundreds of businesses in a years' time. And....... since we're truck drivers, no one expects much out of us in the way of controversial political discourse............Tell me truthfully, how many times a week did you hear someone say: " I hate that n#&$@& in the White House"?
I know I heard it at least once a week for eight years.........

Mr. Obama ......... and his family,........handled the virulent and latent racism rampant in this country with class , taste and intelligence. Most of the stuff you posted can be taken right off Breitbart or Limbaugh. Mr.Obama was handed an economy in free fall, due to Wall Street's running rampant through the real estate finance market. I think he did a fine job.

And now it appears that the campaign promise to "repeal Obamacare" is going to take a long, long time, because apparently those that are on " Obamacare" .....kind of like it.

What about "Lock her Up"? ........ That's not getting done either.......

Did Mr.Trump use emotion and outrage to get elected,........Instead of good old reliable facts?

By the way, Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing.

Maybe you should read the words of that famous Middle Eastern philosopher Yehoshua bin Yusef.......

Especially his Sermon on the Mount.
Do you,........ ahh,.... spend a lot of time looking at Breitbart.com?

Apparently you don't remember the death threats against Mr.Obama and family......Rush Limbaugh and his "Moo-chelle and her pickaninnies" schtick.........The cartoons of the White House surrounded by a watermelon patch........ Of course, the " birther" groups and how Mr. Obama insisted on getting sworn in on the Koran instead of the Bible..........Sen.. Mitch McConnell's remark about how they were going to do everything in Congress's power to insure Obama would be a one-term president?........ and their subsequent stonewalling of just about every piece of legislation Mr. Obama proposed?

Or....... how about this? We're both truck drivers, we both get to wander into the back door/loading dock of hundreds of businesses in a years' time. And....... since we're truck drivers, no one expects much out of us in the way of controversial political discourse............Tell me truthfully, how many times a week did you hear someone say: " I hate that n#&$@& in the White House"?
I know I heard it at least once a week for eight years.........

Mr. Obama ......... and his family,........handled the virulent and latent racism rampant in this country with class , taste and intelligence. Most of the stuff you posted can be taken right off Breitbart or Limbaugh. Mr.Obama was handed an economy in free fall, due to Wall Street's running rampant through the real estate finance market. I think he did a fine job.

And now it appears that the campaign promise to "repeal Obamacare" is going to take a long, long time, because apparently those that are on " Obamacare" .....kind of like it.

What about "Lock her Up"? ........ That's not getting done either.......

Did Mr.Trump use emotion and outrage to get elected,........Instead of good old reliable facts?

By the way, Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing.

Maybe you should read the words of that famous Middle Eastern philosopher Yehoshua bin Yusef.......

Especially his Sermon on the Mount.
Aaah yes, there is much merit to what you say. I did not see the pickaninnies or watermelon gaffs though. The tug of war is played by both sides with each blaming the other like they are not in the game themselves. I looked at Bammercare and I can tell you that it would not work for me. I would have been paying lots of money for high deductibles but if I was poor I'd get premo care for next to nothing. In other words, I would be buying someone elses insurance and getting very little in return. His foreign policies were getting worse every day with him giving $1.3 billion (with a 'B') to Iran against everybody elses will. He gave money out by the M's and B's like it was free for the picking off of a money tree. And he wanted to welcome all refugees with open arms in spite of the costs and benefits. I found this site to be informative and feel like it is credible. http://cis.org/High-Cost-of-Resettling-Middle-Eastern-Refugees While I am not for decimating our environment for industry (AKA progress) I am in favor of helping business at least a little, rather than acting like they are unneeded. Even a blind man could see that business conditions in the US of A have improved exponentially since January 20, 2017. He meddled in the Mid-East with his 'Arab Spring' and went to Israel to campaign for Netenyahu's opponent, he was a foreign policy nightmare. These issues alone are reason enough for me to be unable to see any good he may have done in his eight years. BTW, I voted for him twice.
Do you,........ ahh,.... spend a lot of time looking at Breitbart.com?

Apparently you don't remember the death threats against Mr.Obama and family......Rush Limbaugh and his "Moo-chelle and her pickaninnies" schtick.........The cartoons of the White House surrounded by a watermelon patch........ Of course, the " birther" groups and how Mr. Obama insisted on getting sworn in on the Koran instead of the Bible..........Sen.. Mitch McConnell's remark about how they were going to do everything in Congress's power to insure Obama would be a one-term president?........ and their subsequent stonewalling of just about every piece of legislation Mr. Obama proposed?

Or....... how about this? We're both truck drivers, we both get to wander into the back door/loading dock of hundreds of businesses in a years' time. And....... since we're truck drivers, no one expects much out of us in the way of controversial political discourse............Tell me truthfully, how many times a week did you hear someone say: " I hate that n#&$@& in the White House"?
I know I heard it at least once a week for eight years.........

Mr. Obama ......... and his family,........handled the virulent and latent racism rampant in this country with class , taste and intelligence. Most of the stuff you posted can be taken right off Breitbart or Limbaugh. Mr.Obama was handed an economy in free fall, due to Wall Street's running rampant through the real estate finance market. I think he did a fine job.

And now it appears that the campaign promise to "repeal Obamacare" is going to take a long, long time, because apparently those that are on " Obamacare" .....kind of like it.

What about "Lock her Up"? ........ That's not getting done either.......

Did Mr.Trump use emotion and outrage to get elected,........Instead of good old reliable facts?

By the way, Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing.

Maybe you should read the words of that famous Middle Eastern philosopher Yehoshua bin Yusef.......

Especially his Sermon on the Mount.
And maybe YOU should read the Quran. It is chuck full of violence torture and murder ordered by the Muslim prophet Mohammad. In Islamic Sharia Law, those not obeying his words are punishable by death, even to another Muslim.
And maybe YOU should read the Quran. It is chuck full of violence torture and murder ordered by the Muslim prophet Mohammad. In Islamic Sharia Law, those not obeying his words are punishable by death, even to another Muslim.

I have read the Qu'ran............And the New and Old Testaments............Jesus is in both the Qu'ran and the New Testament. In the Qu'ran, Jesus is a minor prophet fortelling the coming of Mohammed 600 years later. Islamic Sha'ria law is radical Islamic,....of which only a tiny minority of the followers of Mohammed believe in.....Same as the type of Christianity the Good Ol' Boys in the Aryan Brotherhood and other radical Christian groups believe in. Been to their website lately? They use the Bible to justify "racial purity". Ever hear of Timothy McVeigh? And his dealings with radical Christian militias in Michigan?

Is the Qu'ran "chuck" filled with violence, torture and murder? Sure it is.......So is the Old and New Testaments........especially the Old. Punishing the Midianites by extermination of their race because some unlucky Midianite forgot to attach a "paddle to the end of his weapon to cover up that which came from thee".........( a shovel to dig a slit trench,..in modern terms...)....is the act of a small, petty, jealous and fussy God.......Maybe he was walking around the Midianite camp barefoot, and stepped into "that which came from thee.." It would make anyone mad,....but I don't think it warrants extermination, man woman and child,. in a towering Biblical heavenly temper tantrum......

But there are those in this country who practice Christianity, and believe the Bible is the literal word of God.......What do they make of all the torture, extermination, **** and God-authored violence in the Bible? Type in "Radical Christianity",....and see where it takes you,.....and if you can stomach getting past the Aryan Brotherhood site, and the Westboro Baptist Church site,...........go read Adolf ಠ▄ಠ's "Mein Kampf", where he justifies his stance on Jews as his doing "God's work"......ಠ▄ಠ considered himself a Christian......

As far as history judging Mr. Obama,.....I'd look to the vote totals in the recent election. There are 3 million people who voted for someone other than Mr. Trump,.....yet since the Republicans were able to tinker and "gerrymander" the voting districts,...the Electoral College voted for Mr. Trump. Here in my state of Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump won by 44,000 votes, yet there were 245,000 people who voted for third party candidates other than Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton. And......there were over 100,000 people who left the Presidential ballot blank, and voted down ballot.

So,.....I think the reality is that just a little more than half of the people in this country didn't think Mr. Trump was qualified to be President,.....for whatever reason. But,...everyone acts like it's just a tiny minority of noisy protesters having a hissy fit because Mr. Trump got handed the Presidency by the Electoral College,.....and not by the majority of voters.

I think that the concerns of those...."non-Trump" ....voters are very valid, and deserve a rational view,....if for nothing else but the vast majority of the country involved. Yet, Mr. Trump acts like he can bulldoze over those views, and completely ignore the existence of the electorate that did not vote for him,.....relegating them to "non-American" status,....personas non gratas, as it were.....

if Mr. Obama had conducted a campaign based on fear, conspiracy, race-baiting and "alternative facts"....and won,......wouldn't you be terrified of a President with an "axe to grind", and the illusion of a popular mandate to wield that axe with? He could very well have done so, if Mr. Obama was thin-skinned, hyper-sensitive to insults, and given over to grandoise illusions about his own popularity. But,.....I think we've all seen Mr. Obama conduct himself with remarkable aplomb,......in spite of the "alternative facts" about his Presidency.
So,.....I think the reality is that just a little more than half of the people in this country didn't think Mr. Trump was qualified to be President,.....for whatever reason. But,...everyone acts like it's just a tiny minority of noisy protesters having a hissy fit because Mr. Trump got handed the Presidency by the Electoral College,.....and not by the majority of voters.
No different that it was when GW Bush took office and he was handed the post by the Supreme Court, not by the popular vote and not by the Electoral College (IMO). Yes, more than half did not get their wish but only a tiny minority of those are the noisy protesters having that hissy fit. What I think is funny about them is how so many are armchair quarterbacks, they're all for so many things but they won't do any of them themselves. I believe in raising a raucous for the proper cause but don't bring a sign to a gunfight and lighting a trash can or a car on fire isn't going to get you anywhere either. I think that those in favor of welcoming refugees should open up their houses, bring them in and support them. To me it's as much as, or more financial than fear.
Good points,.....and I agree that childish behavior merely gets in the way of the reasons people are dissatisfied. Agents provocateurs? It happened before, in the '60's and '70's with the student protests. The most violent agitators were in the pay of the FBI.

Big Business will call the shots on "illegal aliens"......They're the ones that brought them here so they don't have to pay minimum wage, or S.S.tax, or Workers Compensation insurance,.......so they can make a billion-and-a-half this year, instead of just a billion. They'll tell Mr.Trump to gradually back off and shut up,.....Hey, he's won the election,....he no longer has to pound on "illegal aliens"..........And Big Business wil conduct Business As Usual with their off-the-books workforce........

Betcha a dollar that four years from now, we'll still have 11 million "undocumented" aliens,......Maybe even some of them working for contractors on the Wall......
Good points,.....and I agree that childish behavior merely gets in the way of the reasons people are dissatisfied. Agents provocateurs? It happened before, in the '60's and '70's with the student protests. The most violent agitators were in the pay of the FBI.

Big Business will call the shots on "illegal aliens"......They're the ones that brought them here so they don't have to pay minimum wage, or S.S.tax, or Workers Compensation insurance,.......so they can make a billion-and-a-half this year, instead of just a billion. They'll tell Mr.Trump to gradually back off and shut up,.....Hey, he's won the election,....he no longer has to pound on "illegal aliens"..........And Big Business wil conduct Business As Usual with their off-the-books workforce........

Betcha a dollar that four years from now, we'll still have 11 million "undocumented" aliens,......Maybe even some of them working for contractors on the Wall......
Here's where I'm a little more optimistic than you are...Trump is working for us for free, well, that $1.00 minimum that seems to be a requirement. Amazingly enough, this never, ever makes/made the news. :idunno: He owes nothing to no one except those of us who gave him that job. What's really pissing people off is that he is doing what he campaigned on and he is undoing much of what the Bammer did. Those 25+ year olds who still live at mommy's and have not prospects or desire to get out are upset because their teet is being shut off. No free college, etc. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why they want to burden us with refugees. There are several versions of this video but I think that the meat of the material is all the same.

I have read the Qu'ran............And the New and Old Testaments............Jesus is in both the Qu'ran and the New Testament. In the Qu'ran, Jesus is a minor prophet fortelling the coming of Mohammed 600 years later. Islamic Sha'ria law is radical Islamic,....of which only a tiny minority of the followers of Mohammed believe in.....Same as the type of Christianity the Good Ol' Boys in the Aryan Brotherhood and other radical Christian groups believe in. Been to their website lately? They use the Bible to justify "racial purity". Ever hear of Timothy McVeigh? And his dealings with radical Christian militias in Michigan?

Is the Qu'ran "chuck" filled with violence, torture and murder? Sure it is.......So is the Old and New Testaments........especially the Old. Punishing the Midianites by extermination of their race because some unlucky Midianite forgot to attach a "paddle to the end of his weapon to cover up that which came from thee".........( a shovel to dig a slit trench,..in modern terms...)....is the act of a small, petty, jealous and fussy God.......Maybe he was walking around the Midianite camp barefoot, and stepped into "that which came from thee.." It would make anyone mad,....but I don't think it warrants extermination, man woman and child,. in a towering Biblical heavenly temper tantrum......

But there are those in this country who practice Christianity, and believe the Bible is the literal word of God.......What do they make of all the torture, extermination, **** and God-authored violence in the Bible? Type in "Radical Christianity",....and see where it takes you,.....and if you can stomach getting past the Aryan Brotherhood site, and the Westboro Baptist Church site,...........go read Adolf ಠ▄ಠ's "Mein Kampf", where he justifies his stance on Jews as his doing "God's work"......ಠ▄ಠ considered himself a Christian......

As far as history judging Mr. Obama,.....I'd look to the vote totals in the recent election. There are 3 million people who voted for someone other than Mr. Trump,.....yet since the Republicans were able to tinker and "gerrymander" the voting districts,...the Electoral College voted for Mr. Trump. Here in my state of Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump won by 44,000 votes, yet there were 245,000 people who voted for third party candidates other than Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton. And......there were over 100,000 people who left the Presidential ballot blank, and voted down ballot.

So,.....I think the reality is that just a little more than half of the people in this country didn't think Mr. Trump was qualified to be President,.....for whatever reason. But,...everyone acts like it's just a tiny minority of noisy protesters having a hissy fit because Mr. Trump got handed the Presidency by the Electoral College,.....and not by the majority of voters.

I think that the concerns of those...."non-Trump" ....voters are very valid, and deserve a rational view,....if for nothing else but the vast majority of the country involved. Yet, Mr. Trump acts like he can bulldoze over those views, and completely ignore the existence of the electorate that did not vote for him,.....relegating them to "non-American" status,....personas non gratas, as it were.....

if Mr. Obama had conducted a campaign based on fear, conspiracy, race-baiting and "alternative facts"....and won,......wouldn't you be terrified of a President with an "axe to grind", and the illusion of a popular mandate to wield that axe with? He could very well have done so, if Mr. Obama was thin-skinned, hyper-sensitive to insults, and given over to grandoise illusions about his own popularity. But,.....I think we've all seen Mr. Obama conduct himself with remarkable aplomb,......in spite of the "alternative facts" about his Presidency.
Although I can see you are a liberal-leaning radical and apparently unwilling to see any view except your own, I will comment this one time. I will try to go through you rant one point at a time, starting with your post #11. (or at least part of it)
Death threats against Obama and family? I'm sure there were. Every President gets hate mail (it's the job of the Secret Service to track down and prosecute those that make death threats on a President. Do you agree that those calling for death to Trump should also be arrested and charged? I don't recall any public displays calling for Obama's death like what is happening now by the radical Hollywood crowd or at every lefty protest that has turned into violence, flag burning and destruction that is encouraged by Obama himself even though he can see the signs calling for Trump's death on TV. This is a display of "class"? I don't think so. Has he called for an end to the violence and threats? No. If he had "class" he would do so. Peacefull demonstrations are protected by 1st amendment - violence and death threats are not.
Breitbart? No I don't ONLY read ANY news articles exclusively. I read them all (even CNN and MSNBC) in order to get a balanced idea of what the truth is - then I cross check it with other sites to understand what is truth and what is BS. You should try it.
Rush Lindbaugh I never could stomach. I don't listen to him at all.
Cartoons? I don't pay any attention to political cartoons (or any other cartoons). At least cartoonists in this country have not been murdered for doing a political cartoon (1st amendment right) - by radical Islamists, at least not yet, but I'm sure they'd like to.
Keith Ellison from Minnesota was the only one that insisted on the Quran at HIS swearing in. Get your facts straight.
On the birther issue - When I had to get my CDL renewed last week, I was required to bring in a certified copy of my birth certificate (not a copy - must be original complete with the embossed official stamp). If I couldn't produce that a renewal was not possible - that is a fact. I had to go back home and find it - no easy task. Question : Since I had to produce an original certified, stamped and signed by the clerk birth certificate to simply get a CDL renewed, why was Obama given a pass on at least producing the same to qualify for becoming POTUS? The only things that were produced was a newspaper clipping from a Honolulu newspaper announcing the birth of son to Mr and Mrs Barack H Obama on Aug 4 and a hospital form (with footprint on it) and name Barack Hussein Obama II on it. Neither of these items would have been allowed in lieu of an OFFICIAL STAMPED BIRTH CERT issued by a gov't official to get a CDL renewal - so no official birth certificate was ever produced as to prove Obama's birth in the USA. Call me a "birther" too, if you want, but those are the facts. Show me a picture of an official state or county issued Obama birth certificate (with embossed official stamp at bottom) if you can.
The only thing that may prove he IS and American citizen by birth is the fact that he later changed his name to Barry Soetoro (taken from his step-fathers name whom Obama mentions) while being raised in Indonesia (attending Muslim schools that only Muslims are allowed to attend). He used the name Barry Soetoro when applying for aid meant for foreign students at Occidental in California and at Columbia in NYC. A student's ID card is on-line from Columbia #600962011054355 with picture of a person identified as "Barry Soetoro" on it with "FOREIGN STUDENT" printed at the bottom. That picture is obviously our ex-president, now known as Barack Hussein Obama. If he was truely born as an American citizen in Hawaii as he claims, he was entering these schools and getting foreign student aid fraudulently by claiming to be an Indonesian national. Fraud is a felony and disqualifies anyone from becoming president. He claimed to have been born in Indonesia (FOREIGN STUDENT) on his own Columbia ID card to get the free college money meant for real foreign students. So the bottom like is that if he was honest about being a foreign student and was therefore entitled to the aid money that made him ineligible to be POTUS (foreign born) OR he actually was born in Hawaii and being an American citizen and was committing fraud to get college aid by falsely claiming to have been born in Indonesia and using the name Barry Soetoro to get it. Fraud is a felony. Felons are not allowed to become POTUS. By his own actions at school, it's proven that he has committed fraud. The only loophole for him is that he wasn't convicted of it. As for Mitch McConnell - he's a spineless jerk with a big mouth (typical politician) all big talk no action. He should be a Democrat - a perfect replacement for Harry Reid. Same goes for McCain and Lindsay Graham.
On to the subject of "stonewalling" by the Republicans. These are the facts - 473 bills were signed by Obama and year by year, Congress by Congress Obama signed into law the following number of items to cross his desk.
111th Congress (1/09 to 1/10) 385 items signed into law
112th Congress (1/11 to 1/13) 284 items
113th Congress (1/13 to 1/15) 296 items
114th Congress (1/15 to 1/17) 329 items
Sure looks like the nasty Republicans weren't blocking "just about everything" like you claim.
Do you,........ ahh,.... spend a lot of time looking at Breitbart.com?

Apparently you don't remember the death threats against Mr.Obama and family......Rush Limbaugh and his "Moo-chelle and her pickaninnies" schtick.........The cartoons of the White House surrounded by a watermelon patch........ Of course, the " birther" groups and how Mr. Obama insisted on getting sworn in on the Koran instead of the Bible..........Sen.. Mitch McConnell's remark about how they were going to do everything in Congress's power to insure Obama would be a one-term president?........ and their subsequent stonewalling of just about every piece of legislation Mr. Obama proposed?

Or....... how about this? We're both truck drivers, we both get to wander into the back door/loading dock of hundreds of businesses in a years' time. And....... since we're truck drivers, no one expects much out of us in the way of controversial political discourse............Tell me truthfully, how many times a week did you hear someone say: " I hate that n#&$@& in the White House"?
I know I heard it at least once a week for eight years.........

Mr. Obama ......... and his family,........handled the virulent and latent racism rampant in this country with class , taste and intelligence. Most of the stuff you posted can be taken right off Breitbart or Limbaugh. Mr.Obama was handed an economy in free fall, due to Wall Street's running rampant through the real estate finance market. I think he did a fine job.

And now it appears that the campaign promise to "repeal Obamacare" is going to take a long, long time, because apparently those that are on " Obamacare" .....kind of like it.

What about "Lock her Up"? ........ That's not getting done either.......

Did Mr.Trump use emotion and outrage to get elected,........Instead of good old reliable facts?

By the way, Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing.

Maybe you should read the words of that famous Middle Eastern philosopher Yehoshua bin Yusef.......

Especially his Sermon on the Mount.

The one thing that has "stuck in my craw" was your absolute opinion that "Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing"
If you have an open mind and are not afraid to change your mind when confronted with a truthful opposing view, backed up with facts, look up and read this site showing 109 verses from the Quran and other Muslim documents in their actual form ( translated to English) then dissected as to meaning. If you dare, go to: www.thereligionofpeace.com on your computer - then key QURAN - after the next widow appears, key "Verses of Violence". There will appear 109 verses directly from the Quran and other Muslim texts that encourage or order loyal Muslims to commit "in the name of Allah" every violent crime against humanity imaginable.
For some reason just keying into the web site shown on this post or any other post will not work anymore. Don't know why.
IF you have an open mind - you will see how wrong you are about "Islamic religion does not teach hate or killing".
It's true the Bible has many verses containing violence, but that was in the past. The Bible does not condone it or encourage it at the present day. The Quran does - nothing has changed since Mohammad wrote it in the 5th and 6th century AD. The strict teachings and expectations of a faithful Muslim are the same today as they were in the 6th century AD.
Christianity has in the past, sanctioned and carried out killings in the name of religion, such as The Inquisition, The Crusades and the Witch Hunting. Those sad days were wrong and are long gone, while the violence ordered in the Quran is still very much a reality. One Muslim sect killing Muslims of a different sect that does not believe in the strict version of the Quran is a common everyday occurance as is the open order given by Mohammad, in the Quran to kill or convert all non-believers of Islam everywhere. That is now happening in places all over the world, slowly but methodically, according to the Quran.
You claim you have read the Quran (and apparently have one handy), so look up the verses on the list from the site I gave.
www.thereligionofpeace.com Compare to see if the wording is the same. I don't expect anybody to just take my word for anything I say - look it up for yourself. I always do in order to separate the truth from BS or outright lies. NOTE: I just tried the "religion of peace site". It worked now, so just click on the above "highlighted" site.

I know nothing about you. I don't know your skin color (it doesn't matter to me). I don't know your religious beliefs (that don't matter to me either). All I DO know is that you are a hard-core Democrat (that's OK too, because I used to be one before I woke up to what was happening to the party after the draft dodging, pot smoking, hippie, war protesting days when the troops were being spit on and called "baby killers" by punks calling themselves Democrats. That bothered the hell out of me, since I was military during those days in the 60's, but I stuck with the Dem party until after McGovern, after Jimmy Carter and even voted for Mondale over Reagan. After I saw real class and leadership by President Reagan, I never voted Democrat again and have never regretted it. The last 8 years of Obama and now the stupidity, the childish actions, the violence committed by punks claiming to be Americans while burning the flag I fought under, screaming "Kill Trump" "Trump is a (⊙▃⊙)" and all the while being encouraged to do more of it by Democrats now in office has convinced me that I did the right thing by leaving the Democratic Party in the 80's.
As a Teamster, I've seen nothing the Democrats have done for our particular part of the Teamsters, except damage it by allowing ERISA to pass in Dec 2014. That was a slap in the face of the many members that contributed so much to the Dems in the DRIVE PAC (since I knew over 90% of the money went to Dems, I never contributed a dime).
There is so much to disagree with in your supportive posts of Obama, his term in office(and how he got there), his wife and the Democratic Party ever since the Carter days and the "Bubba" Clinton days (selling us out with NAFTA) and now Hillary's corruption in the "pay for play" Clinton Foundation - I just don't have the time or the space to list it all. Since you are so entrenched in you beliefs, it would most likely be a huge waste of time anyhow.
One last comment, then I'm out of here (and won't return) I did not and do not like your assumption that I am a ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ because I consider Obama to be the worst and most divisive President in American history (the racial divide now is the worst I've seen in my lifetime). That "name calling" is a typical response by a closed minded Democrat that I despise. The Democrat "game plan" is to just refuse to consider the facts as they are, of what Obama has done and has NOT done to this country, just go directly to the "race card" to embarrass or intimidate anyone that disagrees. Use PC - political correctness and the "Un-American" or "un-constitutional" stance to put down a political opponent. Talk loud and talk over those that disagree. The Dems and the liberal blacks have found that usually works to shut somebody up or to get their way on any issue.
The thing that Democrat elites don't want to talk about is the fact that Obama has done the most damage to the blacks in this country, by allowing millions of "illegals" into this country who compete with low income blacks for the same jobs. The "illegals" are usually the ones that get hired, willing to work for lower pay and no benefits. The shady employers know illegals will not file any wage discrimination or minimum wage complaints because the "illegals" fear the INS and they know there will be no verification required for legal citizenship status while Obama is in office.
I have probably worked with, lived among and been friends with more black co-workers, shipmates and families that you have ever even MET, so your assumption that I am a ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ, simply because of my opinion of the damage Obama has done to this country, pisses me off.
We are all products of our environment, our upbringing and our life's experiences. Apparently, your's is and has been mostly bad and/or negative, while mine is positive and always hopeful of change for the better - both in politics and in life.
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Copy of Mr. Obama's birth certificate re-released by the White House in 2011. www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/Obama-birthcertificate-WhiteHouse/2011/04/27/id394249. One of the many, many sites to actually publish a long form of Mr. Obama's birth certificate. His short form was released in 2008 after he was elected, in response to people claiming the vetting process done by the FBI and CIA were not thorough......

I'm a liberal-leaning radical? Huh! ....Well,...I've been called worse. Actually, what I am is a Political Action Committee Treasurer for my Local,.....have been for the last 10 years. I am answerable to the membership on the open floor (we just had the monthly meeting...) for the recommendations of the endorsements we make,....I have to give the reasons why I'm making certain choices .....about a third of our members are Republican, and the other two-thirds are registered Democrat,....with a scattering of Green, and Independent Party voters. Part of my (Voluntary and unpaid) job is to interview various candidates who want the endorsement of our Local,.....That includes both parties. By the way, I sign the checks, too.....Under Federal law, no Union official can handle or disperse political contributions. It must be an ad hoc committee formed completely by the rank-and-file and absolutely autonomous from Local Officer's control. I'm audited 7 times a year by the state........

So,......although I won't say I'm an expert at politics,....I do dabble quite a bit in it, in a capacity where I am answerable for my actions to the membership. Personally, I don't think I'm a "Radical",......but since I disagree with you, I guess I am.........
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