ABF | Modern Day Politics

I agree, but an awful lot of people, including me, are just sick of it. The long-time career politicians are just worried about THEIR political party and THEIR political career which simply boils down to MORE MONEY for them. Very few politicians give a rat's butt about anybody but their own ego and bank account. I believe Trump is losing money by being President. He may have a big ego, but name any President that hasn't (especially our last one). Trump is already a multi- billionaire and is not beholding to anybody to repay big-time campaign contributors with political favors. His entire campaign cost was roughly $50 million while Hillary's was real close to $1 billion. He's refusing to take any of the $569,000 per year salary and expenses paid to any POTUS. He will take a total of $1.00 a year. He's a very successful businessman that has the know-how to get things done. His first 4 weeks in office have proven that - and the Dems hate him for it. It makes them look bad.
I hope the Dems stop the moaning soon. They lost. Get over it for the good of the country. They keep forgetting they took a vow to work for the common good of ALL Americans - not just themselves. If they keep this up, we all suffer. Trump is keeping his campaign promises while the Dems can't stand it. They never heard of a politician actually trying to keep campaign promises.

GREAT post, henry! We are all sick of Washington. Temper-tantrums, whining and obstructionists on both sides of the aisle have brought us here. Gridlock...nothing gets accomplished and, like you said, we ALL suffer. Except for the politicians (naturally).
I understand and I agree, but it's hard to make a valid and provable point on some complicated subjects with few words. I believe it's necessary to back up what I say with facts that actually exist. It has become too easy for news outlets to hide behind fake news articles by claiming "Anonymous sources" or "Confidential sources". News stories are not required to prove it was anything but made up by a so-called journalist's fantasy. That is just convenient abuse of their right to keep legitimate sources confidential. They claim to be keeping a source confidential when there is no source at all. Over the past couple years, several peoples lives have been ruined by fake news stories dreamed up by lying news people just trying to get their name on a story. Some of the media outlets have been sued over it and lost. Even when they lose in court, the damage has already been done. That is why so many ordinary people don't trust the MSM anymore.
In retrospect henry j, keep posting to make your point. This member will work on his attention span.
In retrospect henry j, keep posting to make your point. This member will work on his attention span.
Believe me, I DO understand and respect your point about some of my posts being way too long. I don't want to go on and on like the Unibomber, Ted Kacyznski in his manifestos, but I DO like to present FACTS supporting my opinions and positions on things I write about. The last thing I want to do is just blow hot air, with no "back up" like Magoo does. I have been accused in the past of being TOO THOROUGH on making my points, sometimes compete with times, dates names of company supervisors, their exact quotes, names of witnesses, etc., in my grievances presented at grievance hearings. The company officials (and some union reps. hated it) but I DID win nearly all cases filed over a 35 year period. Provable facts are very inconvenient to some that don't have any of their own. When people I'm trying to convince on something, when I see their eyes start to glaze over, then I know I've pushed the bubble a bit. At that point, I know it's getting counter-productive to go further. I'll try to trim things down a bit here, too.
Believe me, I DO understand and respect your point about some of my posts being way too long. I don't want to go on and on like the Unibomber, Ted Kacyznski in his manifestos, but I DO like to present FACTS supporting my opinions and positions on things I write about. The last thing I want to do is just blow hot air, with no "back up" like Magoo does. I have been accused in the past of being TOO THOROUGH on making my points, sometimes compete with times, dates names of company supervisors, their exact quotes, names of witnesses, etc., in my grievances presented at grievance hearings. The company officials (and some union reps. hated it) but I DID win nearly all cases filed over a 35 year period. Provable facts are very inconvenient to some that don't have any of their own. When people I'm trying to convince on something, when I see their eyes start to glaze over, then I know I've pushed the bubble a bit. At that point, I know it's getting counter-productive to go further. I'll try to trim things down a bit here, too.
It is always a pleasant read even if I can't read the whole thing. Never hot air or empty, unsubstantiated claims. :clapping:
Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.

It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........

I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)

Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.

I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)

You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.

We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....

There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.

It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........

I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)

Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.

I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)

You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.

We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....

There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
You are obviously upset and uncomfortable.......take a pill or change your underwear. The world will not come to an end. My guess is that you have just got done viewing the Democratic "dog and pony show" about choosing their next chairperson for the DNC. The simple fact that they were even considering Kieth Ellison from MN as chairperson demonstrates just how far to the left that party has chosen to go. They still threw him a bone as co-chairperson of the DNC. (I won't mention the fact that he's a Muslim).
He is an admirer of the most hateful, hate filled black ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ that publicly exists and brags about it, that I know of (Rev Jeremiah Wright is a close second). Lois Farrakhan is on record as encouraging his black followers to hate and even kill white people, police officers and especially Jews. Keith Ellison has had a long history of supporting the Nation of Islam and it's hatred of Jews an white people in general. Al Sharpton is even on video tape with Farrakhan screaming at the crowd at Kean College in 1992 to "Off the pigs" "Off the crackers". Keith Ellison was a great admirer of both Farrakhan and Sharpton and a follower of the Nation of Islam during the 80's 90's and early 2000's. Ellison helped organize a march in 1995 that was led by Farrakhan, the biggest black ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ, homophobic and anti-semitic black leader known in the country. This is just a small part of the real deep-rooted feelings of Mr Ellison (whose real name is Keith Ellison-Muhammad and formerly wrote a column under the name Keith E. Hakim in the student newspaper) believed in and wrote about his views, then conveniently disavowed those views when he ran for public office in 2006. Just as "a tiger cannot change his stripes" brother Ellison cannot change his true deep seated beliefs, black racism and unwillingness to include others like Jews and the LGBT. Now he simply fools those into believing he can and did disavow those beliefs again, just to get Democrat votes and hopefully a leadership position in the DNC. He has also publicly supported convicted cop killer Assata Shakar (now hiding in Cuba) and SLA terrorist Sarah Jane Olson. This is the kind of person the Democrats admire ?
This story was written by CNN a few yrs back - NOT Breitbart or FOX that you seem to hate.
I'm sure it's a story CNN would very much like pull now. Mr Ellison can do no wrong on their network, now, since they have become completely biased and "in the tank" for the Dems. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it does disappear.
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Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.

It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........

I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)

Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.

I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)

You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.

We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....

There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
I'm glad you expl
Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.

It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........

I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)

Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.

I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)

You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.

We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....

There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
I'm glad you described your reaction to the Donald Trump election as "visceral". That described you perfectly.
Dictionary definition of "visceral" - -"Relating to deep inward feelings, rather than intellect". Apparently you are going as "apoplectic" as the many other Clinton supporter have been since they found out they lost and their "savior" Hillary was not going to be President. Perhaps "cry rooms" should be set aside at all the Teamster Locals, such as they were on college campuses all over the country. Get over it. Accept reality. Move on.
I am not saying you are intellectually inferior, - but rather (as the definition implies), you have allowed your inward deep feelings to over-ride your intellect. This is probably due to the constant "drum-beat" of the Teamsters, James Hoffa, and your Local's President, Eugene Bosetti to always believe and preach that Democrats are good - Republicans are bad. You are in a position to have to go along with that or you will be moved out of your job as official Political Officer at that Local - maybe not "fired", but removed anyhow. The officials and even office workers at any local, that do not go along with the politics of the bosses at that local are gently removed (sometimes not so gently) using phony reasons for doing so.
Of course, you know that. It's happened at my local when a BA refused to be a part in a corruption cover-up. He was let go for insubordination.
A staff member at any Teamster Local must "toe the line" or look for another job. You are most likely in the same boat. If you want to continue as a Political Rep (either paid or unpaid - volunteer or appointed) you must push the Democrat agenda at you PAC. You are being controlled by your "puppet masters" instead of using your own God given intellect to see right from wrong. I was once a Democrat, too, until I realized I was being manipulated by the union bosses, instead of using my own ability to decide what was best for me and my family. History shows what the leaders of the CSPF and the Teamsters Freight Division have done. They are both on the verge of collapse and the Dems helped it along with the MPRA act of 2014. That is history and fact. Manufacturing is the primary concern of Local 30 - not freight. Maybe things are good in Manufacturing in your area of PA - not so with freight in most of the country. The non-union carriers are "eating our lunch" due to Teamster give backs on wages and benefits.
You say Trump is only interested in self-promotion. He doesn't need self-promotion. He has proven himself to be a very successful businessman amassing over $10 billion in assets and employing 30,000 employees worldwide. As a matter of fact, he is losing money by being POTUS, refusing all but $1.00 per yr in salary and handing over management of his companies to probably less competent people - his kids. You say he does put Nat'l interests above his personal interests. How so? Most all of the Executive Orders he signed in his first 5 weeks in office had to do with Nat'l security, border security, US economy (jobs), bad trade deals, illegal immigrating, stopping the huge flow of drugs, eliminating costly and uneeded regulations and the list goes on. Where does any of this lead to self-promotion? He is just doing what a POTUS is supposed to do. It was part of the oath he took on Jan 20. He is trying to keep his campaign promises. Why do the Democrats hate this? They are furious that a non-politician is actually trying to keep his promises - something that Obama failed to do - it makes them look bad.They are furious that the nearly $1 billion spent to get Hillary elected didn't work But the crazy part is that they are making themselves look even worse with their endless temper tantrums. The American people are sick and tired of "politics as usual" - the corruption - the endless "all talk and no action" - the pay-offs by lobbyists that want favors for their campaign contributions. Whether you believe it or not, this country and our gov't needs someone who knows how to run a sucessful business, NOT another bought and paid for political hack.
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I somewhat agree with both of you. There is no doubt we have an education problem among the voters in this country when so many look to Hollywood celebrities for leadership. Too many live in a fantasy world & are far removed from reality. Even when the ones they worship are proven to be liars they still follow blindly behind.
You are obviously upset and uncomfortable.......take a pill or change your underwear. The world will not come to an end. My guess is that you have just got done viewing the Democratic "dog and pony show" about choosing their next chairperson for the DNC. The simple fact that they were even considering Kieth Ellison from MN as chairperson demonstrates just how far to the left that party has chosen to go. They still threw him a bone as co-chairperson of the DNC. (I won't mention the fact that he's a Muslim).
He is an admirer of the most hateful, hate filled black ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ that publicly exists and brags about it, that I know of (Rev Jeremiah Wright is a close second). Lois Farrakhan is on record as encouraging his black followers to hate and even kill white people, police officers and especially Jews. Keith Ellison has had a long history of supporting the Nation of Islam and it's hatred of Jews an white people in general. Al Sharpton is even on video tape with Farrakhan screaming at the crowd at Kean College in 1992 to "Off the pigs" "Off the crackers". Keith Ellison was a great admirer of both Farrakhan and Sharpton and a follower of the Nation of Islam during the 80's 90's and early 2000's. Ellison helped organize a march in 1995 that was led by Farrakhan, the biggest black ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ, homophobic and anti-semitic black leader known in the country. This is just a small part of the real deep-rooted feelings of Mr Ellison (whose real name is Keith Ellison-Muhammad and formerly wrote a column under the name Keith E. Hakim in the student newspaper) believed in and wrote about his views, then conveniently disavowed those views when he ran for public office in 2006. Just as "a tiger cannot change his stripes" brother Ellison cannot change his true deep seated beliefs, black racism and unwillingness to include others like Jews and the LGBT. Now he simply fools those into believing he can and did disavow those beliefs again, just to get Democrat votes and hopefully a leadership position in the DNC. He has also publicly supported convicted cop killer Assata Shakar (now hiding in Cuba) and SLA terrorist Sarah Jane Olson. This is the kind of person the Democrats admire ?
This story was written by CNN a few yrs back - NOT Breitbart or FOX that you seem to hate.
I'm sure it's a story CNN would very much like pull now. Mr Ellison can do no wrong on their network, now, since they have become completely biased and "in the tank" for the Dems. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it does disappear.

Wheeew!........ "Take a pill, or change your underwear"....... Whether this prescription works for you when your gut cramps up with bile and hatred is all well and good, ...... but as I am a Democrat, by nature I have a sunny disposition and am not subject to fits of blind rage......... Thanks for being so solicitous of the state of my underwear,...... but frankly, that's none of your business......

I have reservations about Mr. Trump's competency to lead this nation........ as I would about anyone with as many bankruptcies and divorces as he has had......... If he was just a working slob like the rest of us,..... I wouldn't trust him with a rubber hammer,......... but I guess the weight of his fortune overrides any questions about his morality or judgement......

Unfortunately, I couldn't find that CNN report on Keith Ellison.......I'm sure you'll provide the appropriate link,........... but I suspect a good deal of what you posted is couched in hyperbole. I think we all get it......... you dislike Muslims of all shades, stripes and colors. It's a shame there are 1.6 billion of them in about 80 countries....... including the U.S....... that makes it kind of hard to pin down exactly where you want to drop the "nukes".......

Rep. Ellison was sworn in on Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of the Qu'ran. I believe he stated he wanted to make an historical gesture about religious freedom rather than a defiant act.......Careful now,.,....You might need to take that pill, because I know there's no way you will believe that.......

Oh,.......And as to my..... Fealty......To the Local........Hah! Boy , did you get that all wrong............ I don't think you know me as well as you profess to.........

I'd suggest a phone call to Local #30, and ask any officer about their resident "gadfly"......... and don't forget to tell them that in your opinion, I do everything they tell me to do....

I'm chuckling heartily as I type this......... You presume way, way too much..........
Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.

It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........

I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)

Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.

I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)

You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.

We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....

There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
I will try to finish my response to your post #85 in a shorter manner.
I don't believe (as you do) that Mr Trump is either an "erratic genius" or a "devious con-man". One thing he is NOT is a politician. Since so many Americans have been lied to and deceived by the insider, career politicians for years, that is something that appealed to the voters. A common man that did nit speak the political "double talk" and could never answer a question with a simple "yes" or "no". Trump speaks in a manner the common man and woman can understand. He does not care if he offends a politician of the other party if it's not "politically correct". He speaks the truth and is a little rough around the edges while doing it - just like many of us non-politicians. He understands work and the working world of tough construction people and the blue-collar trades. Most other career politicians of both parties have never even gotten their hands dirty. Trump is also a successful businessman in the REAL world. Hillary was not. She never did an honest days work in her life. Never owned or ran a business. Never had an employee. Her and Bubba have always been on the payroll of taxpayers and still are.
I personally don't care where I get my news, as long as it's unbiased and complete. Since 90% of the MSM news outlets were "in the tank" for Obama for over 8 years and it just continued for Hillary, trying to get the whole story on anything was just about impossible, making it necessary to find and cross-check everything. Way too much legitimate negative stuff about Hillary was just ignored by her MSM supporters, like Benghazi, the 30,000 or so e-mails, the crooked pay-for-play Clinton Foundation, her promise to shut down the coal companies and the Clinton support for bad trade deals (NAFTA by Bubba) and (TPP by Obama, then Hillary who first supported it then flip flopped). These important stories about the Clintons were glossed over or ignored by the MSM. When other news sources reported them, they were vilified as liars. Whatever happened to balanced unbiased journalism? Intentional disclosure of top secret or classified mat'l by officials or news media is treason and endangers or costs American lives. Why aren't you bothered by that?
"There are two kinds of fools - those that can't change their opinions and those that won't" Josh Billings

On to what "bothers you" - Intentional release of classified or top secret US Gov't information is a crime of treason. yet the news media does it all the time, claiming "un-named sources" or "confidential individual" privileges. Why doesn't this bother you when people's lives are put at risk?
Trump hasn't released his tax info because he don't have to. US Presidents are not required to release their tax returns. It is known that Trump owns or has controlling interest in over 515 companies and roughly 30,000 employees. Can you imagine what his complete tax records look like?
It would just be a "witch hunt" by the Democrats who can't find the time now to attend to their jobs taking care of "the peoples' business". They won't even attend sessions of Congress or an Inauguration. Since these pricks act like spoiled children, I wouldn't let them see my tax returns either. It's not a requirement of any POTUS.. I'd tell 'em to get screwed or like Obama told McCain at a meeting after his first win, "I won, you lost, so get used to it"
As for Steve Bannon, where was your "concern" when Obama was allowing Lois Farrakhan and Al Sharpton and the radical "Black Live Matter" leaders into the White House numerous times? At least Bannon has not encouraged killings like those people have done.
The "information services" you mentioned are many in number. Just look at the roomful of reporters at the next news briefing. Why should only a few like CNN, MSNBC, NBC,ABC and CBS always get the best seats and demand that only they be allowed to ask questions? How about the other 30 or 40 reporters in the room? If they aren't given priority, they whine and cry about it.
The Democrats rely on the lower class less educated for votes. More education would only cause more people to see through the Democrats lies. Your comment about some fictional character named Milo Minderbender tells me you are living in a make believe world, too.
"Ignorance is the dominion of absurdity" James Froude
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Wheeew!........ "Take a pill, or change your underwear"....... Whether this prescription works for you when your gut cramps up with bile and hatred is all well and good, ...... but as I am a Democrat, by nature I have a sunny disposition and am not subject to fits of blind rage......... Thanks for being so solicitous of the state of my underwear,...... but frankly, that's none of your business......

I have reservations about Mr. Trump's competency to lead this nation........ as I would about anyone with as many bankruptcies and divorces as he has had......... If he was just a working slob like the rest of us,..... I wouldn't trust him with a rubber hammer,......... but I guess the weight of his fortune overrides any questions about his morality or judgement......

Unfortunately, I couldn't find that CNN report on Keith Ellison.......I'm sure you'll provide the appropriate link,........... but I suspect a good deal of what you posted is couched in hyperbole. I think we all get it......... you dislike Muslims of all shades, stripes and colors. It's a shame there are 1.6 billion of them in about 80 countries....... including the U.S....... that makes it kind of hard to pin down exactly where you want to drop the "nukes".......

Rep. Ellison was sworn in on Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of the Qu'ran. I believe he stated he wanted to make an historical gesture about religious freedom rather than a defiant act.......Careful now,.,....You might need to take that pill, because I know there's no way you will believe that.......

Oh,.......And as to my..... Fealty......To the Local........Hah! Boy , did you get that all wrong............ I don't think you know me as well as you profess to.........

I'd suggest a phone call to Local #30, and ask any officer about their resident "gadfly"......... and don't forget to tell them that in your opinion, I do everything they tell me to do....

I'm chuckling heartily as I type this......... You presume way, way too much..........
I presumed you to be somewhat intelligent - open to proven facts that may be contrary to what has been engrained into your head by constant union brainwashing. Sorry, I guess I was wrong. As for dropping "nukes" I'm all for "nukes" as a defensive or deterrent measure not to be used by any sane country except in retaliation. Unfortunately insane countries like N Korea and Iran now have nuclear capabilities (Iran will have then real soon if not already) The deterrent factor does not work with people intent on dying as an "honor" and going to see Allah. Kerry and Obama made their quest to get operating "nukes" possible. Now the options there are difficult at best, impossible at worst. Thanks Barack Hussein Obama and John Kerry. You made the world a much more dangerous place. I'm sure Obama is looking forward to being a martyr in Muslim history.
As for the Keith Ellison CNN story - you didn't look very hard.
Go to http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/01/politics/kfile-keith-ellison-nation-of-islam/index.html
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Thomas Jefferson was not a Muslim in fact he despised how the Barbary Coast Pirates who were Muslims attacked ships & demanded to be paid ransom. On many occasions he condemned those who would not work but lived off those who did. Any citizen of this country should be free to practice whatever religion he or she chooses if it does not support violence or the overthrow of the constitution. Sharia Law & the Constitution cannot exist in the same country. I will be more sympathetic of Muslims when they denounce the Qur'an's teaching of violence against those who don't worship Mohamed.
I think this discussion is more suited for the politics forum. We have gotten off topic for the ABF forum.
That is an interesting CNN story. I do remember years back when CNN was a credible news source before it became the Clinton News Network. It is now little more than an apple polisher for the DNC.
Let me ask you something. Do you believe a man like Keith Ellison, with such deep rooted hatred of Jews and white people while being a loyal follower of people like Farrakhan and Al Sharpton (a regular speaker and hate monger at the Nation of Islam gatherings) along with a lot of others like the Black Panthers, can do such a quick flip-flop in his black ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ attitudes and beliefs against Jews, whites, and the LGBT groups, in the 80's, 90's and even into the 2000's? Was this miraculous change of heart sincere or simply lies to easily fool voters in order to get votes and get into the state legislature in 2002 then into the US House in 2006?
Keep this in mind. Keith Ellison (his latest name he uses instead of his real given Muslim name) is OK with deceiving others about his past associations with violent ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ organizations like the Nation of Islam in order to gain political power. Simply put - He lied to make people believe he's a changed person, when in reality, he is not. Ellison has made it clear that he is a devout Muslim and faithful follower of the Muslim "holy book", the Quran and it's verses. The Quran is available for anyone to read on-line.
The following is one verse that pertains to the Ellison deception of voters in order to get elected.
Here is a direct quote from the Quran, followed by an explanation on what it means :
It is called TAQIYYA (lying, deceiving ,illusions) - Islam's most important ideological wartool.
Quran (2:225) "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"
Translation : [ Which means that Muslims can say and lie about one thing while they mean something totally different ]. The reason is to gain trust of the infidels (all non-believers of Islam) they hope to eventually destroy.
Especially read the verse directly under the one listed above Quran (17:64)
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Thomas Jefferson was not a Muslim in fact he despised how the Barbary Coast Pirates who were Muslims attacked ships & demanded to be paid ransom. On many occasions he condemned those who would not work but lived off those who did. Any citizen of this country should be free to practice whatever religion he or she chooses if it does not support violence or the overthrow of the constitution. Sharia Law & the Constitution cannot exist in the same country. I will be more sympathetic of Muslims when they denounce the Qur'an's teaching of violence against those who don't worship Mohamed.
I think this discussion is more suited for the politics forum. We have gotten off topic for the ABF forum.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just went back to page #1 and the heading is "Modern Day Politics". Same with my "alerts". There seems to be a mix-up somewhere.

By the way, I agree with everything else you say.
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Just as I suspected. The CNN piece on Keith Ellison was an even-handed and fair news article,....... even giving Mr. Ellison a chance to confront his past, and take responsibility,...."be face to face" with his past, I believe, is the phrase he used. I wonder if Mr. Trump will ever publicly acknowledge any past mistakes.......

Your "embellishments" on that story makes it an entirely different tale. I see a great future for you as a Faux News reporter..........

I'm sorry you're disappointed in my intelligence,......... but as you're ranking "intelligence" as the ability to swoon in beautious rapture to anything Mr. Trump says and does,.......... we'll, I'm afraid I'll have to remain stupid........

I did like the quote from Josh Billings, though.......You should take it to heart....

And,...... since we're going to fling aphorisms at each other,...... here's one from a contemporary of Billings,......... Petroleum V. Nasby, ....." The Arrogance of them that think they're as smart as me...."...
Thomas Jefferson was not a Muslim in fact he despised how the Barbary Coast Pirates who were Muslims attacked ships & demanded to be paid ransom. On many occasions he condemned those who would not work but lived off those who did. Any citizen of this country should be free to practice whatever religion he or she chooses if it does not support violence or the overthrow of the constitution. Sharia Law & the Constitution cannot exist in the same country. I will be more sympathetic of Muslims when they denounce the Qur'an's teaching of violence against those who don't worship Mohamed.
I think this discussion is more suited for the politics forum. We have gotten off topic for the ABF forum.

No, Brother....... Jefferson was a Deist, who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus,....
The vast majority of Muslims practice the peaceful aspects of their religion........ same as the vast majority of Christians.
Just as I suspected. The CNN piece on Keith Ellison was an even-handed and fair news article,....... even giving Mr. Ellison a chance to confront his past, and take responsibility,...."be face to face" with his past, I believe, is the phrase he used. I wonder if Mr. Trump will ever publicly acknowledge any past mistakes.......

Your "embellishments" on that story makes it an entirely different tale. I see a great future for you as a Faux News reporter..........

I'm sorry you're disappointed in my intelligence,......... but as you're ranking "intelligence" as the ability to swoon in beautious rapture to anything Mr. Trump says and does,.......... we'll, I'm afraid I'll have to remain stupid........

I did like the quote from Josh Billings, though.......You should take it to heart....

And,...... since we're going to fling aphorisms at each other,...... here's one from a contemporary of Billings,......... Petroleum V. Nasby, ....." The Arrogance of them that think they're as smart as me...."...
My comments are all backed up with facts, yours are not. I debunked your statement about Muslims never being
You never responded to my proof of your ignorance and refusal to accept facts when I disagreed with you comment in post #11.
You stated that "The Islamic religion does not teach violence or killing" I sent you a link with 109 verses of the Quran that proves otherwise. You never commented on that. You said you already read both the Quran and the Bible (I doubt that). All your statements are without any source or backup.
I always back up my statements. You do not, so I consider your comments just so much hot air, not worthy of any more response.

"A liar lies to others. A fool lies to himself" Anonymous
I'm sure you get plenty of practice at that, being a political PAC official for the Democratic Party and your Local.

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish" Euripides

"Silence is the best response to a fool" Unknown author
No, Brother....... Jefferson was a Deist, who did not believe in the divinity of Jesus,....
The vast majority of Muslims practice the peaceful aspects of their religion........ same as the vast majority of Christians.

You are wrong again with your comment about "peaceful Muslims" I have provided this link before, but you refuse to read it.
Open the site - go to the heading QURAN - then scroll down to VERSES OF VIOLENCE. There are 109 Quran verses that encourage or order violence and murder. These verses are in the Quran written by Mohammad between 570 AD and 632 AD ordering his followers to ****, murder, cut off hands, decapitate and stone to death all non-believers (infidels). Read it. If you had read it (like you claimed you did) you would already know that. You lied. I prove my points. Conversation over.
You are wrong again with your comment about "peaceful Muslims" I have provided this link before, but you refuse to read it.
Open the site - go to the heading QURAN - then scroll down to VERSES OF VIOLENCE. There are 109 Quran verses that encourage or order violence and murder. These verses are in the Quran written by Mohammad between 570 AD and 632 AD ordering his followers to ****, murder, cut off hands, decapitate and stone to death all non-believers (infidels). Read it. If you had read it (like you claimed you did) you would already know that. You lied. I prove my points. Conversation over.

One of us is a *****. You're right,.....Conversation over.
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