Well, Bro. Henry J,.........I just have a visceral reaction to a thrice-bankrupted real-estate and casino magnate,..........whose main interest seems to be self-promotion above national interests.....leading this nation. Unfortunately, Mr.Trump has no record of public service with which to gauge his actions/reactions with. Only time will tell if just a little less than half of this nation elected an inspired but erratic genius,......or a devious con-man, with delusions of grandeur.
It bothers me greatly that the President's closest advisor ran the alt-right website Breitbart.com.............It bothers me greatly that it appears Mr. Trump is intent on stonewalling release of his tax reports maybe indefinately..............It bothers me greatly that Mr. Trump wants us to get our "news" from only sources that he approves of,...( possibly in the future we may be calling this the "state-sponsored" news entity..).........It bothers me greatly, that none of this seems to bother anyone else........
I see too many parallels in history.........( the almost cartoonish obvious one being Steve Bannon as Rasputin....)
Contrary to .....uhh......"popular" opinion,.....as a Democrat, I, too am worried about the future of this country. We're about the same age,.....I'm a veteran from '70' to '73'.....parent of four, husband of only one, gun-owner, Union,....non-Union,....self-employed. I would think that my life experiences have shaped my political convictions, just like yours did.
I am worried that a lot of angry people voted out of fear and conspiracy theories,.....instead of research. I always tell people to vote with their eyes (...read and research..), instead of their ears (...Faux News and Limbaugh telling you how to think about "news"..)
You seem to be a very lucid and erudite person,......and I applaud that. But,.....how many people who voted in the last election....on both sides, for that matter,......bothered to read about the candidates, and voted on how they were "told" who was good and who wasn't? Instead of a political contest of ideals, an electorate who votes according to how they like the presentation and personality of a candidate,......reduces all politics to the equivalent of a beauty pageant/ meat parade.
We have an education problem in this nation. I know people who almost brag about not having read a book since high school,....and who dismiss newspapers and magazines,......(the ones without pictures...)....as printed "lies". As I've said,.....Mr. Trump's rise to power,....and his subsequent actions and attacks on information services,.....have many, many parallels in history,........enough of them to make me shudder....
There are parallels in fiction, too............My "best-case" scenario is that we elected "Milo Minderbinder" to run the country for the next four years.........
I will try to finish my response to your post #85 in a shorter manner.
I don't believe (as you do) that Mr Trump is either an "erratic genius" or a "devious con-man". One thing he is NOT is a politician. Since so many Americans have been lied to and deceived by the insider, career politicians for years,
that is something that appealed to the voters. A common man that did nit speak the political "double talk" and could never answer a question with a simple "yes" or "no". Trump speaks in a manner the common man and woman can understand. He does not care if he offends a politician of the other party if it's not "politically correct". He speaks the truth and is a little rough around the edges while doing it - just like many of us non-politicians. He understands work and the working world of tough construction people and the blue-collar trades. Most other career politicians of both parties have never even gotten their hands dirty. Trump is also a successful businessman in the REAL world. Hillary was not. She never did an honest days work in her life. Never owned or ran a business. Never had an employee. Her and Bubba have always been on the payroll of taxpayers and still are.
I personally don't care where I get my news, as long as it's unbiased and complete. Since 90% of the MSM news outlets were "in the tank" for Obama for over 8 years and it just continued for Hillary, trying to get the whole story on anything was just about impossible, making it necessary to find and cross-check everything. Way too much legitimate negative stuff about Hillary was just ignored by her MSM supporters, like Benghazi, the 30,000 or so e-mails, the crooked pay-for-play Clinton Foundation, her promise to shut down the coal companies and the Clinton support for bad trade deals (NAFTA by Bubba) and (TPP by Obama, then Hillary who first supported it then flip flopped). These important stories about the Clintons were glossed over or ignored by the MSM. When other news sources reported them, they were vilified as liars. Whatever happened to balanced unbiased journalism? Intentional disclosure of top secret or classified mat'l by officials or news media is treason and endangers or costs American lives. Why aren't you bothered by that?
"There are two kinds of fools - those that can't change their opinions and those that won't" Josh Billings
On to what "bothers you" - Intentional release of classified or top secret US Gov't information is a crime of treason. yet the news media does it all the time, claiming "un-named sources" or "confidential individual" privileges. Why doesn't this bother you when people's lives are put at risk?
Trump hasn't released his tax info because he don't have to. US Presidents are
not required to release their tax returns. It is known that Trump owns or has controlling interest in over 515 companies and roughly 30,000 employees. Can you imagine what his complete tax records look like?
It would just be a "witch hunt" by the Democrats who can't find the time now to attend to their jobs taking care of "the peoples' business". They won't even attend sessions of Congress or an Inauguration. Since these pricks act like spoiled children, I wouldn't let them see my tax returns either. It's not a requirement of any POTUS.. I'd tell 'em to get screwed or like Obama told McCain at a meeting after his first win, "I won, you lost, so get used to it"
As for Steve Bannon, where was your "concern" when Obama was allowing Lois Farrakhan and Al Sharpton and the radical "Black Live Matter" leaders into the White House numerous times? At least Bannon has not encouraged killings like those people have done.
The "information services" you mentioned are many in number. Just look at the roomful of reporters at the next news briefing. Why should only a few like CNN, MSNBC, NBC,ABC and CBS always get the best seats and demand that only they be allowed to ask questions? How about the other 30 or 40 reporters in the room? If they aren't given priority, they whine and cry about it.
The Democrats rely on the lower class less educated for votes. More education would only cause more people to see through the Democrats lies. Your comment about some fictional character named Milo Minderbender tells me you are living in a make believe world, too.
"Ignorance is the dominion of absurdity" James Froude