FedEx Freight | Orlando Hiring?!?!?


TB Lurker
Does anybody know if the Orlando Hub will be looking to hire on some drivers in the near future? Looking to transfer back and didn't know what the outlook was.
Umm Lube?? If she's transferring puts no credibility on your "Fedex only hires heifers and double-bagger" statements in the past.....:wtflol:

Sez u big fella. Bet u an Obama phone that her avatar is a ruse. Ain't but seen maybe 4 attractive female FXF drivers east of the Rocky Mountains in all my years here.
You guys are probably hoarding all of 'em out there.
let's face it, the unwritten policy over at corporate is that the hiring of attractive girls is strictly prohibited. By hiring only corn fed, unattractive workers, it limits their liability over potential lawsuits over harassment and dock productivity isn't undermined by straight men being destracted. Let's face it purple dudes, this place is a sausage factory and forever will be....
Rest assured guys the pic is me, and I do work!! Now can we get back on topic?!?! :duh:

Well...there is always the exception to the rule.
I wasn't aware that fedex was supposed to be a dating service. As long as employees do their jobs who cares what they look like! I have seen more than enough freaky looking male drivers here as well!!
chitownpeddler<~~~~~~~ ManLover

Sorry fat boy, but not all of us here are married or living with their boyfriends. Excuse me for having an opinion other than your own. Self righteous sob
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