XPO | Print of hours worked

Our's doesn't.I think we can check our hours to see if they're accurate by pressing the "Total" button on the time clock and then swiping your card.This can be done at any point during the week,but I don't think you can check the previous weeks hours.I always write down my start time and my swipe out time at the end of my shift(I keep a notebook in my glove compartment for this).My last paycheck was short a little over half an hour of overtime.My SCM checked the KRONOS record and said it looked like the FOS did not "approve" the overtime for one of the days I worked that week.He said he sent in a correction for this but I'll have to wait until next week's check to see if it went through to Portland. Some people say I'm "anal" because I keep up with every second of the time that I work,but I think it's kind of stupid not to.That time you work is a part of your life your giving away and to me it only makes sense that you would make sure you're being compensated for it.This is something I've done at every job I've ever had.:greedy:
We always got a print out of our hours every monday sence we got the kronos,now we have a new TM,an he said it is a waste of paper.
Do all service centers give the p/d drivers a printout of the hours worked every week?

Just ask whoever does the payroll to pull out the Kronos Punch Detail Report for that week. Your detailed hours should be on it if you punch the Kronos clock.
(Detailed meaning the exact amount of hours and overtime hours for each pay category you punched)
its not a waste of paper...it gets printed anyway, on the green bar printer with the monday morning mess .....i think they look it over then pitch it .....thats the new scm training at work, keep us in the dark and guessing ...........
its not a waste of paper...it gets printed anyway, on the green bar printer with the monday morning mess .....i think they look it over then pitch it .....thats the new scm training at work, keep us in the dark and guessing ...........

Any Kronos employee should be able to ask to see their punch detail and have it photo copied when they have an issue. I agree it's not a waste of paper. It's so easy for management to access when a question arises but suddenly so hard for them to make frickin pay corrections timely.

The only waste of paper is when management or anyone with access to the internet, abuse the policy and print personal items not related to their work. (Emails, stuff from unblocked web pages etc. They know what I'm talking about)

They keep payroll documents for about 5 years before they get approval for "Destruction of Records" It's an audit exception if they keep it longer.

Hourly employees should monitor their paychecks from time to time. Poop happens and pay does get missed. Overpayments and underpayments alike.

This is actually a good topic to discuss because there have been some employees hosed out of pay that don't even realize it.
(Direct Depositors comes to mind)

we had the book put out every monday in the past, now it is not aloud because it shows drivers SSN on it and they dont want people blaming conway for stolen identity
we had the book put out every monday in the past, now it is not aloud because it shows drivers SSN on it and they dont want people blaming conway for stolen identity

That was a great idea.
That can be changed.
If I'm not mistaken, when you first start with the company they use the SS number as an identifier. After you get an employee number they are supposed to change the SS number with the employee number. They are probably too lazy to change it.
Dockworker, why are Direct Dep. more apt for this to happen. I ask because I am a new hire, and already have DD.....I dont keep track, but am now thinking I should.

Although I havnt had a prob. yet.
Dockworker, why are Direct Dep. more apt for this to happen. I ask because I am a new hire, and already have DD.....I dont keep track, but am now thinking I should.

Although I havnt had a prob. yet.

Some people on direct deposit don't always look at their stubs. If their bank deposit is within a certain amount they are fine with that, where as a person who physically deposits their checks are more apt to examine it a bit closer.
There have been instances of PTO days ,Option days, Overtime or manually entered time not showing up.

It's just makes good sense to occasionally track your time because unintentional mistakes do happen. I've found a few mistakes with my checks in the past and had them corrected.
Ok Dockworker, I understand what you meant now.


Your welcome ClearBlack:1036316054:

Speaking of pay issues. I hear XMD's P/S is consistently having issues manually entering correct Kronos pay for certain drivers.
This is a perfect example of why you should monitor your checks and ask to see the Kronos Punch Detail Report.
Because of his consistent inept adding skills, this driver will be hosed out of the correct pay for a week or two and the person that caused it will get away from any discipline. Once or twice might be fine but all the time is ridiculous.
Regardless of how miniscule it might or might not be, never mess with the drivers pay!! He/She earned it for that week!
Hope XGO is reading this!
Your welcome ClearBlack:1036316054:

Speaking of pay issues. I hear XMD's P/S is consistently having issues manually entering correct Kronos pay for certain drivers.
This is a perfect example of why you should monitor your checks and ask to see the Kronos Punch Detail Report.
Because of his consistent inept adding skills, this driver will be hosed out of the correct pay for a week or two and the person that caused it will get away from any discipline. Once or twice might be fine but all the time is ridiculous.
Regardless of how miniscule it might or might not be, never mess with the drivers pay!! He/She earned it for that week!
Hope XGO is reading this!
They don't care until the labor dept call or sends a letter.
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