FedEx Freight | The end


TB Lurker
I thought the world was to end in december 2012. Well i guess fedex decided to move it up. Thats the way it looked like in toledo this morning at the meeting. Disrupting people's lives again. When will it end? Well good luck to all our road drivers what ever choice they make. :fingure:
How many did toledo lose? Has anyone heard totals on runs lost and layoffs? Maybe someone could start a thread where we could total it up!?
YOU get told you are loosing 19 runs and they show you blue prints for a 186 dr brand new barn!! What a mood point!! F AGAIN!! We build it back up and tare it down never ending cycle around here!!
We had no meeting this morning oh ya we for the most part we are treated like mushrooms kept in the dark and feed s@$t. Our SCM is on vacation but no OS will tell us anything.
Having been uprooted from a new home for another company years ago I can tell you that these companies have stats on how many will transfer and how many will quit. Many old timers retire or quit rather than uproot their families where they are established. Everyone of you senior drivers that quit they gleefully replace with a much lower paid person that is willing to follow orders and do their bidding (at least at first) The figure is probably close to 15% that bail out??
GOOD LUCK,it is a rough road.
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