Great video. Would have liked to see some of the companies that employed me. I worked on the dock of its Oakland CA terminal and at least once drove for LASME (Los Angeles Seattle Motor Express). Mostly I worked next door (or nearby) for the Arizona-Pacific division of Ringsby. Lots of my experience was driving tankers for Reliable, Allyn, Post, and a few others. Also drove casual for Southern Tank Lines. Who would imagine nowadays that a union outfit (Southern Tank Lines) would have the prettiest trucks on the road (or at least on the Pacific Coast)? Ended up driving for PIE (tankers) and then CF (tankers and when work got slow for the tankers, flatbeds and heavy haul for Clark Farnsworth -- I think Consolidated Freightways kept that name to maintain some authority on the San Francisco docks -- some of our trucks had "Clark Farnsworth" on them and the rest had "Consolidate Freightways" on them). Keep up the good work. But now I gotta go truckin' for my employer, Sourdough Express. I hope it's a quick trip to and from "the switch" (Anchorage to Parks Highway Mile 196 and back). My (Sourdough's) old Western Star with an old Red Top Cummins seems to be running OK and the weather might cooperate, unlike the day before yesterday when it took more than 9 hours to get the 364 miles from Anchorage to Fairbanks.