Central Transport | Vitrans - Pittsburgh


TB Lurker
Word on the street is that things have changed since PJAX sold out to Vitrans. Anyone take pay cuts or have their benefits reduced? Anyone getting fired for no good reason other than to clean house?

Teamsters Local 249 - Organizing

We can help. A union contract insures fair treatment, guaranteed wage increases, better benefits, and a voice at work. How does your pension/401k stack up to that of a New Penn or ABF driver?

Teamsters Local 249
ext. 120
All inquiries in strict confidence.
Great... The union is going to make a trucking company fold because of all their lies... All this pension BS you guys feed everyone is out of this world. Yeah, a pension like New Penn or ABF??? How about YRC's pension and the pay decreases they've got??? Good job teamsters... I'm glad that I am not part of the teamsters... Appreciate that you guys are proud of putting all these hard working citizens got of work! Obama 2012!!!
@joeDugan As opposed to the Vitran management team consistently drill holes in our boat to let the water out?

My view is that look where being non-union has gotten us, could they do worse? Right now we don't even have a voice in this new 'team' the are trying to build.
Yea DUGAN...with the teamsters you get overtime after 8 hours...your pension has mone

Great... The union is going to make a trucking company fold because of all their lies... All this pension BS you guys feed everyone is out of this world. Yeah, a pension like New Penn or ABF??? How about YRC's pension and the pay decreases they've got??? Good job teamsters... I'm glad that I am not part of the teamsters... Appreciate that you guys are proud of putting all these hard working citizens got of work! Obama 2012!!!

Yea DUGAN...with the teamsters you get overtime after 8 hours...your pension has money going into it...all or most of your insurance is paid for...paid drop and hooks...paid reasonable delay time...better working conditions...and do ya think you would be getting the kind of money your getting if it wasn't for the teamsters setting the standards....not letting all the boys on top take all the money (thats bad?)....yea that probably is a good teamster job!
Now is not the time to talk Union! this company is in financial distress, and shutting it down with a walkout and demanding what THE TEAMSTERS want will just mean 4,000 more unemployment checks from Uncle Sam. When (or if) things get squared away, that is the time to talk union so we get a piece of the pie since it is all of us who are doing the dirty work to make them money. I have my issues just like everyone else, BUT, it still pays better than Uncle Sam
@ Not_wanted I don't know. If the pay trend continues, Uncle Sam may just catch up and surpass us.
@ Not_wanted I don't know. If the pay trend continues, Uncle Sam may just catch up and surpass us.
don't know what you are making but as for me I've got a long way to go before unemployment will be more than what I make, well before that I could be running the road and make more than unemployment.
I don't know. Since they screwed the dock guys out of full time status, took away all their benefits. I think they are poised to cut driver salaries next benefits. I think it may be a excellent time for the Union. Nothing to loose.

As for voting for obammy, not on your life! I don't know what rock your hiding under but this joker has to be voted out!
I don't know. Since they screwed the dock guys out of full time status, took away all their benefits. I think they are poised to cut driver salaries next benefits. I think it may be a excellent time for the Union. Nothing to loose.

If they do, that will be the end of Vitran for sure. I know around my place, a cut or no raise is going to go over like :fan:
Yea DUGAN...with the teamsters you get overtime after 8 hours...your pension has money going into it...all or most of your insurance is paid for...paid drop and hooks...paid reasonable delay time...better working conditions...and do ya think you would be getting the kind of money your getting if it wasn't for the teamsters setting the standards....not letting all the boys on top take all the money (thats bad?)....yea that probably is a good teamster job!
welcome pjax blues. i see you just joined and it's your first post.
@ Twin horses -- keep in mind when you post on here, that corporate (pitt) is on here monitoring. you can tell by one of the posts on this particular thread.
I was with Chris till they were bought by Vitran. Way out west here. We keep seeing signs of Fed-Ex and all were wondering what is going on. I don't know where you are at but appear to be back east more with the Pjax blues! Did your dock people get cut to 30 hours or less and made part time also? Ours did. Anyway, were all just trying to hear what is going on besides buying computers and junk tractors. I will past this site along to the others at work on Monday. Will drop by and scan this more later. Busy playing in the yard.
I remember when there were alot of vitran employees that were trying to get the horsemen in, well as you can see they didnt. the boss would tell them that they would move the operations 50 miles away or some crap like that. this company just made alot of bad moves in the past 4 years, but I think this one with c.k might be the difference. but this fella isnt sticking around to find out, I am tired of playing the waiting game with vitran, cuz %100 of the time i get disapointed. as for going union? we cant even post a positive O.R. in the past 14 quarters. so go ahead go get the horsemen to ride in here, just have your dress shoes and ink pen ready if you do, cuz its my opinio that they will just cut their loses and cut the u.s. LTL out of the picture.:horse****:
there is a def need at this point for a contract but teamsters r to busy trying to get non trucking we stay to long and tomany retirethere r others that really want us new england motor freight belongs to areo space an machinist they love it or even uaw they would take us with open arms all we need is 46percent for a vote but im sure most of the cry babies here r chicen s**t would rather cry than do somthing we have all heard them oh they will close or move well let em someone has to haul the frt we can all go there

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