TB Lurker
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Just wondering if its mostly at my sic or if this is common everywhere. I have a city bid and the last few weeks almost everyday I've been told to call in prior to my start time. Today and a few others days I've been backed up because of weather. I understand no one can control this but I just don't think its fair to do this to drivers. For one thing, there is always work to be done regardless of the weather. Just upset because a couple times this has happened Ive been already to go, car running, kids packed up for daycare, etc..... then they say come in later!! Mostly wondering how many other sics implement this call in or being backed up because of weather? I asked my TM why today and was just given because of the weather so I'm thinking about taking it a little further to see if this is policy or not? I'm at a small terminal, maybe 30 drivers total and they have plenty of flex guys these days, I just don't understand taking money away from regulars who been here a long time.