Winter isn't official till Dec.21st,however truckers know the snow has arrived

With the advent of new electronics on Trucks that slow down or stop Trucks for any and no number of reasons, we're going to SEE MASSIVE ACCIDENTS, CRASHES AND WRECKS THIS WINTER unlike any year since the creation of Trucking.
With the advent of new electronics on Trucks that slow down or stop Trucks for any and no number of reasons, we're going to SEE MASSIVE ACCIDENTS, CRASHES AND WRECKS THIS WINTER unlike any year since the creation of Trucking.

I had the dis-pleasure of driving one of those new rigs with the Bendix collision avoidance systems,drove me insane with the constant beeping,warnings and your 110% correct they are going to cause numerous accidents in snow/ice conditions,as a seasoned driver had many a 4 wheeler spin across the front of me or cut me off,after 4 months told them thanks but no thanks give it to someone else and give me back my 1/2 million mile freight shaker.
GREETINGS Superliner63 and WELCOME to TruckingBoards!!

I drive a over 3/4 million mile 2007 Freightshaker (Columbia[n]) with (sadly) autoshift BUT I have a Clutch pedal, so all is not lost.


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